- milker
- [ʹmılkə] n
1. доильная машина2. доильщик; дояр(ка)3. с.-х. молочная корова
good milker - высокомолочная корова
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
good milker - высокомолочная корова
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Milker — Milk er, n. 1. One who milks; also, a mechanical apparatus for milking cows. [1913 Webster] 2. A cow or other animal that gives milk. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
milker — [mil′kər] n. 1. a person who milks 2. a machine for milking 3. a cow or other animal that gives milk … English World dictionary
Milker's nodule — Milker s nodules are a cutaneous condition that is most commonly transmitted from the udders of infected cows.[1]:393[2]. Milker s nodule is caused by Paravaccinia virus. Disease in humans is nearly identical to orf. See also Farmyard pox List of … Wikipedia
milker herring — Dutch cured herring with the gonads left in the fish. Usually packed in small barrels with about 12 fish for the North American delicatessen trade. Also called melker or Norwegian milker … Dictionary of ichthyology
milker's nodules — milk·er s nodules mil kərz n pl but sing in constr a mild virus infection characterized by reddish blue nodules on the hands, arms, face, or neck acquired by direct contact with the udders of cows infected with a poxvirus (species Pseudocowpox… … Medical dictionary
milker's nodes — 1. milker s nodules (def. 1). 2. paravaccinia (def. 1) … Medical dictionary
milker — noun Date: 15th century 1. one that milks an animal 2. one that yields milk … New Collegiate Dictionary
milker — /mil keuhr/, n. 1. a person or thing that milks. 2. See milking machine. 3. a cow or other animal that gives milk. [1490 1500; MILK + ER1] * * * … Universalium
milker — noun a) a dairy cow b) a person who, or a machine which, milks … Wiktionary
milker — Synonyms and related words: Brahman, Indian buffalo, aurochs, beef, beef cattle, beeves, bison, bossy, bovine, bovine animal, buffalo, bull, bullock, calf, carabao, cattle, cow, critter, dairy cattle, dairy cow, dogie, heifer, hornless cow, kine … Moby Thesaurus
milker — milk·er || mɪlkÉ™(r) n. one who milks, one who extracts milk from cows or other animals; animal that is milked; milking device … English contemporary dictionary