- milady
- [mıʹleıdı] n
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Milady — (from my lady) is an English term of address to a noble woman. It is the female form of milord. Milady may also refer to: Milady de Winter, fictional character in Alexandre Dumas, père s d Artagnan Romances novels Milady, fictional character in… … Wikipedia
milady — ● milady, miladys ou miladies nom féminin (anglais my, ma, et lady, dame) Titre que l on donne en France à une dame anglaise de qualité. ⇒MILADY, subst. fém. [Titre donné en France à une dame anglaise de qualité, une lady, femme d un lord ou d un … Encyclopédie Universelle
milady — s.f. Titlu care se dă în Anglia femeilor din familiile nobile. [pron. mi lé di. / < engl. milady]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 09.06.2005. Sursa: DN MILADY [MILÉDI] s. f. titlu care se dă în Anglia femeilor din familiile nobile. (< engl.… … Dicționar Român
Milady — Mi*la dy, n. [F., fr. English.] Lit., my lady; hence (as used on the Continent), an English noblewoman or gentlewoman. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
milady — (izg. milèjdi) ž DEFINICIJA 1. engleska plemkinja 2. otmjena dama 3. udata ženska osoba; gospođa ETIMOLOGIJA engl. ← my lady: moja gospođa, v. milord … Hrvatski jezični portal
milady — ► NOUN historical or humorous ▪ used to address or refer to an English noblewoman … English terms dictionary
milady — or miladi [mi lā′dē] n. pl. miladies [Fr < Eng my lady] 1. an English noblewoman or gentlewoman ☆ 2. a woman of fashion: shopkeepers or advertisers term … English World dictionary
Milady — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Milady est le nom d une société d édition française ; Milady de Winter est un personnage du roman Les Trois Mousquetaires d Alexandre Dumas ;… … Wikipédia en Français
milady — (mi lé di) s. f. Titre qu on donne à une dame anglaise, femme d un lord ou d un baronet. • Les gens de milady ! que milady permette..., C. DELAV. les Comédiens, V, 9. • Vous m écoutez, n est ce pas ? Oui, milady, SCRIBE le Verre d eau, IV, 2 … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
Milady — , Milord Forms of ‘My lady’ and ‘My lord’ which are meant to show the unstressed pronunciation of ‘my’, especially by foreign speakers. In the nineteenth century both ‘milady’ and ‘milord’ became words that could be used in third person… … A dictionary of epithets and terms of address
milady — /mi lay dee/, n., pl. miladies. 1. an English noblewoman (often used as a term of address). 2. a woman regarded as having fashionable or expensive tastes: milady s spring wardrobe. Also, miladi. [1830 40; < F < E my lady] * * * … Universalium