- migratory
- [ʹmaıgrət(ə)rı] a
1. = migrant II
migratory birds - перелётные птицы
2. мед. блуждающий
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
migratory birds - перелётные птицы
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Migratory — Mi gra*to*ry, a. [Cf. F. migratoire.] [1913 Webster] 1. Removing regularly or occasionally from one region or climate to another; as, migratory birds. [1913 Webster] 2. Hence, roving; wandering; nomad; as, migratory habits; a migratory life.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
migratory — index moving (in motion), transient, unsettled Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
migratory — (adj.) 1753, from L. migrat , pp. stem of migrare to movefrom one place to another (see MIGRATION (Cf. migration)) + ORY (Cf. ory) … Etymology dictionary
migratory — [mī′grə tôr΄ē] adj. 1. migrating; characterized by migration 2. of migration 3. roving; wandering … English World dictionary
migratory — /muy greuh tawr ee, tohr ee/, adj. 1. migrating. 2. periodically migrating: a migratory species; migratory workers. 3. pertaining to a migration: migratory movements of birds. 4. roving; nomadic; wandering. Also, migrative. [1745 55; MIGRATE +… … Universalium
migratory — [[t]ma͟ɪgrətəri, AM tɔːri[/t]] 1) ADJ: usu ADJ n A migratory bird, fish, or animal is one that migrates every year. 2) ADJ: ADJ n Migratory means relating to the migration of people, birds, fish, or animals. ...migratory farm labour … English dictionary
migratory — migrate mi‧grate [maɪˈgreɪt ǁ ˈmaɪgreɪt] verb [intransitive] to go to another area or country, especially in order to find work: • In the years ahead, tens of thousands of workers looking for high paid, technical jobs could migrate abroad.… … Financial and business terms
migratory — mi•gra•to•ry [[t]ˈmaɪ grəˌtɔr i, ˌtoʊr i[/t]] adj. 1) migrating 2) periodically migrating: migratory birds[/ex] 3) pertaining to a migration: migratory movements of birds[/ex] 4) roving; wandering; migrant • Etymology: 1745–55 … From formal English to slang
migratory — /maɪˈgreɪtəri/ (say muy graytuhree), /ˈmaɪgrətri/ (say muygruhtree) adjective 1. migrating: migratory species. 2. relating to a migration: migratory movements of birds. 3. roving or nomad …
migratory — adjective 1. used of animals that move seasonally migratory birds • Ant: ↑nonmigratory • Derivationally related forms: ↑migrate 2. habitually moving from place to place especially in search of seasonal work appalled by the social conditions of… … Useful english dictionary
migratory — adj. Migratory is used with these nouns: ↑bird … Collocations dictionary