- ashlar
- [ʹæʃlə] n стр.
1. тёсаный камень
ashlar facing - облицовка из тёсаного камня
2. кладка из тёсаного камня
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
ashlar facing - облицовка из тёсаного камня
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Ashlar — Ash lar, Ashler Ash ler, n. [OE. ascheler, achiler, OF. aiseler, fr. aiselle, dim. of ais plank, fr. L. axis, assis, plank, axle. See {Axle}.] 1. (Masonry) (a) Hewn or squared stone; also, masonry made of squared or hewn stone. [1913 Webster]… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
ashlar — or ashler [ash′lər] n. [ME assheler < OFr aisseler < aissele, shingle, dim. < ais, board < L assis, board, akin to asser, beam, plank] 1. a square cut building stone 2. a thin, dressed, square stone used for facing masonry walls 3.… … English World dictionary
ashlar — late 14c., square stone for building or paving, from O.Fr. aiseler, from L. axillaris, from axilla, dim. of axis board, plank, which is perhaps not the same AXIS (Cf. axis) that means axle. The stone sense is peculiar to English … Etymology dictionary
ashlar — ► NOUN ▪ large square cut stones used as the surface layer of a wall. ORIGIN Old French aisselier, from Latin axilla little plank … English terms dictionary
Ashlar — Inca wall at Machu Picchu, constructed in ashlar masonry Ashlar is prepared stone work (i.e., dressed, cut) of any type of stone. Masonry using such stones laid in parallel courses is known as ashlar masonry, whereas masonry using irregularly… … Wikipedia
Ashlar-Vellum — Ashlar Vellum, a dba of Ashlar Incorporated, is a developer of Computer aided design (CAD) and 3D modeling software for both the Macintosh and Microsoft Windows platforms. Ashlar Vellum’s interface, designed in 1988 by Dr. Martin Newell and Dan… … Wikipedia
Ashlar Motel Invercargill (Invercargill) — Ashlar Motel Invercargill country: New Zealand, city: Invercargill (City) Ashlar Motel Invercargill Centrally situated, the Ashlar Motel Invercargill is located on the fringe of the city centre of the quietly booming Invercargill in New Zealand.… … International hotels
Ashlar Motel — (Инверкаргилл,Новая Зеландия) Категория отеля: 3 звездочный отель Адрес: 81 Queens Driv … Каталог отелей
ashlar-work — ashˈlar work noun Ashlar masonry • • • Main Entry: ↑ashlar … Useful english dictionary
ashlar — noun Etymology: Middle English asheler, from Anglo French aiseler, from Old French, traverse beam, from aissele, diminutive of ais plank, from Latin axis, alteration of assis Date: 14th century 1. hewn or squared stone; also … New Collegiate Dictionary
ashlar — /ash leuhr/, n. 1. Masonry. a. a squared building stone cut more or less true on all faces adjacent to those of other stones so as to permit very thin mortar joints. b. such stones collectively. c. masonry made of them. 2. Carpentry. a short stud … Universalium