- microdistribution
- [ʹmaıkrə(ʋ)͵dıstrıʹbju:ʃ(ə)n] n биол.
распределение организмов в части экосистемы или в малой экосистеме
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
microdistribution — mi·cro·dis·tri·bu·tion .dis trə byü shən n the precise distribution of one or more kinds of organisms in a microenvironment or in part of an ecosystem <microdistribution of soil mites> … Medical dictionary
microdistribution — ¦mikrōˌ noun Etymology: micr + distribution : the precise distribution of one or more kinds of organisms in a microhabitat or in part of an ecosystem microdistribution of soil mites … Useful english dictionary
microdistribution — mi·cro·distribution … English syllables
EcoSCOPE — The ecoSCOPE is an optical sensor system, deployed from a small remotely operated vehicle (ROV) or fibre optic cable, to investigate behavior and microdistribution of small organisms in the ocean. DeploymentAlthough an ROV may be very small and… … Wikipedia
Remotely operated underwater vehicle — Remotely operated vehicle redirects here. For vehicles operating out of water, see remote control vehicle. ROV at work in an underwater oil and gas field. The ROV is operating a subsea torque tool (wrench) on a valve on the subsea structure. A… … Wikipedia
Schreckstoff — In 1938, the Austrian ethologist Karl von Frisch made his first report on the existence of the chemical alarm signal known as Schreckstoff in minnows. An alarm signal is a response produced by an individual, the “sender,” reacting to a hazard… … Wikipedia
Antarctic Technology Offshore Lagoon Laboratory — The Antarctic Technology Offshore Lagoon Laboratory (ATOLL University) was a floating oceanographic laboratory for in situ observation experiments and for field testing new instruments and equipment for polar expeditions. The ATOLL hull was the… … Wikipedia
Chironomidae — Male Chironomus plumosus Scientific classification Kingdom: Anima … Wikipedia
Coreoleuciscus splendidus — Swiri redirects here. For the 1999 South Korean film, see Shiri (film). Korean splendid dace Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata … Wikipedia
Минеева, Инесса Георгиевна — Инесса Георгиевна Минеева Дата рождения: 13 апреля 1936(1936 04 13) (76 лет) Место рождения: Москва, СССР Страна … Википедия
Инесса Георгиевна Минеева — (род. 13 апреля 1936 года, Москва) советский геохимик и минералог. Доктор геолого минералогически наук. Почетный разведчик недр. Ученица академика А. П. Виноградова. Окончила геологический факультет МГУ им. Ломоносова в 1958 г. по специальности… … Википедия