- ash can
- [ʹæʃkæn] амер.
1. = ash-bin2. мор. жарг. глубинная бомба3. кино жарг. дуговая лампа верхнего света
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Ash Can School — Gemälde im Ashcan Stil von George Wesley Bellows aus dem Jahr 1924 Ashcan School, auch Ash Can Group genannt, (dt. „Ascheimer Schule“) war eine 1908 in New York gegründete Kunstmalergruppe des Amerikanischen Realismus … Deutsch Wikipedia
Ash Can School — L’Ash Can School (ou Ashcan School), littéralement « école de la poubelle[1]. », est un style de peinture américaine réaliste du début du XXe siècle. Elle est connue pour la représentation de scènes de la vie quotidienne des… … Wikipédia en Français
Ash Can — noun early 20th century United States painting; portrays realistic and sordid scenes of city life • Syn: ↑Ashcan school • Hypernyms: ↑artistic movement, ↑art movement * * * noun Etymology: ash (III … Useful english dictionary
ash can — /ˈæʃ kæn/ (say ash kan) noun US a garbage bin …
ash can — noun Date: 1894 1. a metal receptacle for refuse 2. slang depth charge … New Collegiate Dictionary
ash|can — … Useful english dictionary
Ash Can school — Group of U.S. realist painters, active in New York City с 1908–18, who specialized in scenes of everyday urban life. Inspired by Robert Henri, the core group included William Glackens, George Luks (1867–1933), Everett Shinn (1876–1953), and John… … Universalium
Ash-Can, escuela — Grupo de pintores realistas estadounidenses que desarrollaron su obra en la ciudad de Nueva York ( 1908–18). Se especializaron en escenas cotidianas de la vida urbana. En el grupo central, que se inspiraba en Robert Henri figuraban artistas como… … Enciclopedia Universal
Ash tree — Taxobox image width = 240px image caption = European Ash ( Fraxinus excelsior ) regnum = Plantae divisio = Magnoliophyta classis = Magnoliopsida ordo = Lamiales familia = Oleaceae genus = Fraxinus genus authority = L. [cite web url=http://www.ars … Wikipedia
ash — ash1 ashiness, n. ashless, adj. /ash/, n. 1. the powdery residue of matter that remains after burning. 2. Also called volcanic ash. Geol. finely pulverized lava thrown out by a volcano in eruption. 3. a light, silvery gray color … Universalium
can — 1. American a lavatory Originally, a bucket. Now used of any kind of plumbing sophistication: Snyder had paced the small office and gone to the can a couple of times. (Weverka, 1978) 2. American to dismiss from place or… … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms