
[əʹkredıt] v
1. 1) уполномочивать

to accredit an envoy - снабдить посланника полномочиями /верительными грамотами/

he was accredited to the chairman - его уполномочили /облекли полномочиями/ для ведения переговоров с председателем

2) аккредитовывать, принять в качестве аккредитованного лица (дипломатического представителя и т. п.)

to accredit a journalist - аккредитовать журналиста (выдав ему удостоверение)

a correspondent accredited at the White House - корреспондент, аккредитованный при Белом доме

he was accredited at /to/ Moscow - он был аккредитован в Москве

2. приписывать; относить на чей-л. счёт

he was accredited with this poem, this poem was accredited to him - это стихотворение приписывали ему

3. (по)верить; доверять

I accredited his tale - я поверил его рассказу

4. 1) гарантировать качество
2) аккредитовать учебное заведение; признать высшее учебное заведение правомочным выдавать дипломы и присваивать учёные степени
5. кредитовать, предоставлять кредит

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "accredit" в других словарях:

  • Accredit — Ac*cred it, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Accredited}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Accrediting}.] [F. accr[ e]diter; [ a] (L. ad) + cr[ e]dit credit. See {Credit}.] 1. To put or bring into credit; to invest with credit or authority; to sanction. [1913 Webster] His… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • accredit — I verb accept, affirm, approve, authenticate, authorize, certify, confirm, endorse, ratify, sanction, validate, vouch for associated concepts: accredited law school, accredited representative II index allow (authorize) …   Law dictionary

  • accredit — [v1] attribute responsibility or achievement ascribe, assign, charge, credit, refer; concepts 49,69 accredit [v2] give authorization or control appoint, approve, authorize, certify, commission, empower, enable, endorse, entrust, guarantee,… …   New thesaurus

  • accredit — ► VERB (accredited, accrediting) 1) (accredit to) attribute (something) to (someone). 2) give official authorization to. 3) send (a diplomat or journalist) to a particular place or post. DERIVATIVES accreditation noun …   English terms dictionary

  • accredit — (v.) 1610s, from Fr. accréditer, from à to (see AD (Cf. ad )) + créditer to credit (someone with a sum), from crédit credit (see CREDIT (Cf. credit)). Related: Accredited; accrediting …   Etymology dictionary

  • accredit — 1 certify, *approve, endorse, sanction Analogous words: recommend, *commend: vouch, attest, *certify Contrasted words: reject, repudiate (see DECLINE): *disapprove, deprecate 2 …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • accredit — [ə kred′it] vt. [Fr accréditer, to give credit or authority < à, to + crédit, CREDIT] 1. to bring into credit or favor 2. to authorize; give credentials to [an accredited representative] 3. to believe in; take as true 4. to certify as meeting… …   English World dictionary

  • accredit — UK [əˈkredɪt] / US verb [transitive] Word forms accredit : present tense I/you/we/they accredit he/she/it accredits present participle accrediting past tense accredited past participle accredited 1) to state officially that a person or… …   English dictionary

  • accredit — verb /əˈkrɛdɪt/ a) To put or bring into credit; to invest with credit or authority; to sanction. His censure will ... accredit his praises. b) To send with letters credential, as an …   Wiktionary

  • accredit — v. (D; tr.) to accredit to (our envoy was accredited to their new government) * * * [ə kredɪt] (D;tr.) to accredit to (our envoy was accredited to their new government) …   Combinatory dictionary

  • accredit — /əˈkrɛdət / (say uh kreduht) verb (t) 1. to furnish (an officially recognised agent) with credentials: to accredit an envoy. 2. to certify as meeting official requirements. 3. to bring into credit; invest with credit or authority. 4. to believe.… …  

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