Смотреть что такое "meteyard" в других словарях:
Meteyard — Mete yard , n. [AS. metgeard. See {Mete} to measure, and {Yard} stick.] A yard, staff, or rod, used as a measure. [Obs.] Shak. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
meteyard — metewand, or meteyard /miytwond/miytyard/ A staff of a certain length wherewith measures are taken … Black's law dictionary
meteyard — metewand, or meteyard /miytwond/miytyard/ A staff of a certain length wherewith measures are taken … Black's law dictionary
meteyard — noun see metewand … Useful english dictionary
Sidney Meteyard — Sidney Harold Meteyard RBSA (1868 – 4 April 1947) was an English art teacher, painter and stained glass designer. A member of the Birmingham Group, he worked in a late Pre Raphaelite style heavily influenced by Edward Burne Jones and the Arts and … Wikipedia
metewand, or meteyard — /miytwond/miytyard/ A staff of a certain length wherewith measures are taken … Black's law dictionary
metewand, or meteyard — /miytwond/miytyard/ A staff of a certain length wherewith measures are taken … Black's law dictionary
Метьярд Элиза — (Meteyard) английская писательница (1816 1879). Выдвинулась романом Struggles for fame (1845) и работой о малолетних преступниках ( Juvenile depravity , 1849); много писала для детей и по вопросам общественной гигиены. Большое внимание привлекли… … Энциклопедический словарь Ф.А. Брокгауза и И.А. Ефрона
Bliss Carman — Bliss Carman, FRSC (April 15 1861 June 8, 1929) was a preeminent Canadian poet. He was born William Bliss Carman in Fredericton, in the Maritime province of New Brunswick. He published under the name Bliss Carman, although the Bliss is his mother … Wikipedia
Vente d'épouse en Angleterre — Selling a Wife (1812–1814), de Thomas Rowlandson[1]. La vente d épouse est une coutume observée en Angleterre à la fin du XVII … Wikipédia en Français
Прерафаэлиты — «Офелия», Д. Э. Милле, одна из самых известных картин прерафаэлитов. 1852 г., галерея Тейт, Лондон Прерафаэлиты (англ. … Википедия