- metempsychosis
- [mı͵temsaıʹkəʋsıs] n (pl -ses) рел.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Metempsychosis — • The doctrine of the transmigration of souls, teaches that the same soul inhabits in succession the bodies of different beings, both men and animals Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Metempsychosis Metempsychosis … Catholic encyclopedia
metempsychosis — (n.) 1580s, passing of the soul at death into another body, from L.L. metempsychosis, from Gk. metempsychosis, from meta change (see META (Cf. meta )) + empsykhoun to put a soul into, from en in + psyche soul (see PSYCHE (Cf … Etymology dictionary
metempsychosis — [mi tem΄sī kō′sis; met΄əm sīkō′sis] n. pl. metempsychoses [mi tem΄si kō′sēz΄, met΄əm sī kō′sēz΄] [LL < Gr metempsychōsis < metempsychoun < meta, over (see META ) + empsychoun, to put a soul into < en,IN1 + psychē, soul, life (see… … English World dictionary
Metempsychosis — Me*temp sy*cho sis, n. [NL., fr. Gr. ?; ? beyond, over + ? to animate; ? in + ? soul. See {Psychology}.] The passage of the soul, as an immortal essence, at the death of the animal body it had inhabited, into another living body, whether of a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Metempsychōsis — (gr.), bei der Annahme einer Seelenwanderung der Übergang der Seele in einen andern Menschenkörper; dagegen Metensomatōsis, der Übergang in einen andern Naturkörper, s. Seelenwanderung. Daher Metempsychositen, die an die Seelenwanderung glauben … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Metempsychosis — Metempsychosis, – se, griech., Seelenwanderung; Metensomatosis, der Uebergang der Seele in einen andern Naturkörper … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
Metempsychosis — This article is about the Greek concept of the transmigration of the soul. For the general concept, see Transmigration of the soul. Metempsychosis (Greek: μετεμψύχωσις) is a philosophical term in the Greek language referring to transmigration of… … Wikipedia
metempsychosis — noun Etymology: Late Latin, from Greek metempsychōsis, from metempsychousthai to undergo metempsychosis, from meta + empsychos animate, from en + psychē soul more at psych Date: 1591 the passing of the soul at death into another body either human … New Collegiate Dictionary
metempsychosis — Palingenesis Pal in*gen e*sis, Palingenesy Pal in*gen e*sy, n. [Gr. ?; pa lin again + ? birth: cf. F. paling[ e]n[ e]sie. See {Genesis}.] [1913 Webster] 1. A new birth; a re creation; a regeneration; a continued existence in different manner or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
metempsychosis — noun /mɛtɛmpsʌɪˈkəʊsɪs/ Transmigration of the soul, especially its reincarnation after death. The Fates that are so careful to shut the doors of each successive life behind us had, in this case, been neglectful, and Charlie was looking, though… … Wiktionary
metempsychosis — metempsychic /met euhm suy kik/, metempsychosic, metempsychosical, adj. /meuh tem seuh koh sis, temp , met euhm suy /, n., pl. metempsychoses / seez/. the transmigration of the soul, esp. the passage of the soul after death from a human or animal … Universalium