- ascomycetes
- [͵æskəʹmaısi:ti:z] n pl бот.
аскомицеты, сумчатые грибы (Ascomycetes)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
ASCOMYCÈTES — Le groupe de Champignons constitué par les Ascomycètes édifie des fructifications souvent complexes, d’aspect et de taille très variables. Beaucoup n’apparaissent à l’œil nu que sous la forme de points ou de glomérules à peine plus gros que des… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Ascomycetes — n. 1. 1 large class of higher fungi . Syn: class Ascomycetes. [WordNet 1.5] || … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Ascomycetes — As co*my*ce tes, n. pl. [NL.; ascus + Gr. ?, ?, fungus.] (Bot.) A large class of higher fungi distinguished by septate hyph[ae], and by having their spores formed in asci, or spore sacs; the sac fungi. It comprises many orders, among which are… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Ascomycetes — [griechisch], die Schlauchpilze … Universal-Lexikon
Ascomycetes — Ascomycetes, Schlauchpilze, über 30000 (dazu 20000 Flechten und 30000 Fungi imperfecti) überwiegend terrestrische Arten umfassende größte Klasse der ⇒ Eumycota (echte Pilze). Die Mycelien der A. bestehen aus haploiden, septierten, verzweigten… … Deutsch wörterbuch der biologie
Ascomycetes — Ascomycota Ascomycètes … Wikipédia en Français
Ascomycètes — Ascomycota Ascomycètes … Wikipédia en Français
Ascomycetes — Fungi Fun gi (f[u^]n j[imac]), n. pl.; sing. {fungus}. (Biol.) A group of thallophytic plant like organisms of low organization, destitute of chlorophyll, in which reproduction is mainly accomplished by means of asexual spores, which are produced … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Ascomycetes — Schlauchpilze Ascokarp der Frühjahrslorchel Systematik Klassifikation: Lebewesen … Deutsch Wikipedia
Ascomycetes — A class of fungi characterized by the presence of asci and ascospores. Such fungi have generally two distinct reproductive phases, the sexual or perfect stage and the asexual or imperfect stage. Ajellomyces capsulatum and Ajellomyces dermatitidis … Medical dictionary
Ascomycetes — Los ascomycetes constituyen una clase dentro de la división eumicetes del reino hongos. Son hongos con micelio tabicado que producen ascosporas endógenas. Archaeascomycetes Hemiascomycetes Euascomycetes … Enciclopedia Universal