
[͵eısaıənʹtıfık] a
ненаучный, не основанный на научном методе

that philosophy is ascientific, not to say antiscientific - эта философия ненаучна, чтобы не сказать антинаучна

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "ascientific" в других словарях:

  • culture area — Anthropol. a region having a distinct pattern of culture. * * * ▪ anthropological concept Introduction also called  cultural area,  culture province , or  ethno geographic area    in anthropology, geography, and other social sciences, a… …   Universalium

  • List of Salticidae species D-F — includes all described species with ascientific name starting from D to F of the spider family Salticidae as of July 13, 2008.Damoetas Damoetas Peckham Peckham, 1886 * Damoetas christae Prószynski, 2001 Borneo * Damoetas galianoae Prószynski,… …   Wikipedia

  • List of Salticidae species G-J — includes all described species with ascientific name starting from G to J of the spider family Salticidae as of July 13, 2008.Galianora Galianora Maddison, 2006 * Galianora bryicola Maddison, 2006 Ecuador * Galianora sacha Maddison, 2006… …   Wikipedia

  • List of Salticidae species K-M — includes all described species with ascientific name starting from K to M of the spider family Salticidae as of July 13, 2008.Kalcerrytus Kalcerrytus Galiano, 2000 * Kalcerrytus amapari Galiano, 2000 Brazil * Kalcerrytus carvalhoi (Bauab Soares,… …   Wikipedia

  • List of Salticidae species N-P — includes all described species with ascientific name starting from N to P of the spider family Salticidae as of July 13, 2008.Nagaina Nagaina Peckham Peckham, 1896 * Nagaina berlandi Soares Camargo, 1948 Brazil * Nagaina diademata Simon, 1902… …   Wikipedia

  • List of Salticidae species Q-S — includes all described species with ascientific name starting from Q to S of the spider family Salticidae as of July 13, 2008.Rafalus Rafalus Prószynski, 1999 * Rafalus christophori Prószynski, 1999 Egypt, Israel * Rafalus feliksi Prószynski,… …   Wikipedia

  • List of Salticidae species T-V — includes all described species with ascientific name starting from T to V of the spider family Salticidae as of July 13, 2008.Tacuna Tacuna Peckham Peckham, 1901 * Tacuna delecta Peckham Peckham, 1901 Brazil, Argentina * Tacuna minensis Galiano,… …   Wikipedia

  • List of Salticidae species W-Z — includes all described species with ascientific name starting from W to Z of the spider family Salticidae as of July 13, 2008.Wallaba Wallaba Mello Leitão, 1940 * Wallaba albopalpis (Peckham Peckham, 1901) Jamaica * Wallaba decora Bryant, 1943… …   Wikipedia

  • a|sci|en|tif|ic — «AY sy uhn TIHF ihk», adjective. that is not based on or in accord with science or the scientific method: »The philosophy which we are taught is ascientific, not to say antiscientific (Enzo Boeri) …   Useful english dictionary

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