- mercantilism
- [ʹmɜ:kənt(a)ılız(ə)m] n
1. меркантилизм; торгашество; мелочная расчётливость2. эк. система меркантилизма
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
mercantilism — mer‧can‧til‧is‧m [ˈmɜːkəntaɪlɪzm ǁ ˈmɜːrkəntiːlɪzm, tl ] noun [uncountable] ECONOMICS the idea that trade produces wealth, especially for countries that export goods. Under mercantilism, exports are encouraged but imports are restricted by the… … Financial and business terms
mercantilism — MERCANTILÍSM s.n. 1. (livr.) Spirit negustoresc, interes comercial; (peior.) preocupare, tendinţă de a câştiga bani prin orice mjloace. 2. Doctrină economică din sec. XV XVIII, bazată pe principiul că avuţia socială rezidă în acumularea metalelor … Dicționar Român
mercantilism — index commerce Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
mercantilism — (n.) 1834, from Fr. mercantilisme; see MERCANTILE (Cf. mercantile) + ISM (Cf. ism). Related: mercantilist … Etymology dictionary
mercantilism — [mʉr′kən til iz΄əm, mʉr′kəntīl΄iz΄əm, mʉr′kəntēl΄iz΄əm] n. 1. the doctrine that arose in Europe with the decline of feudalism, that the economic interests of the nation could be strengthened by the government by protection of home industries, as… … English World dictionary
Mercantilism — An imaginary seaport with a transposed Villa Medici, painted by Claude Lorrain around 1637, at the height of mercantilism … Wikipedia
mercantilism — mercantilist, n., adj. mercantilistic, adj. /merr keuhn ti liz euhm, tee , tuy /, n. 1. mercantile practices or spirit; commercialism. 2. See mercantile system. [1870 75; < F mercantilisme. See MERCANTILE, ISM] * * * Economic theory and policy… … Universalium
Mercantilism — A set of principles and assumptions prevalent during in the development of European capitalism between 1500 and 1800, according to which national governments regarded competition for access to and distribution of wealth as a prime… … Encyclopedia of the Age of Imperialism, 1800–1914
mercantilism — A much disputed term which, according to one authority (, Predecessors of Adam Smith, 1937), has become a ‘positive nuisance’ since it is commonly confused with nationalism, protectionism, and autarky. It refers to the economic theories and… … Dictionary of sociology
Mercantilism — The main economic system used during the sixteenth to eighteenth centuries. The main goal was to increase a nation s wealth by imposing government regulation concerning all of the nation s commercial interests. It was believed that national… … Investment dictionary
mercantilism — merkantilizmas statusas T sritis Politika apibrėžtis Tarptautinės politinės ekonomijos koncepcija, teigianti, jog pagrindinis valstybės užsienio prekybos tikslas – užtikrinti teigiamą prekybos balansą ir šalyje kaupti tauriuosius metalus,… … Politikos mokslų enciklopedinis žodynas