- menshevik
- [ʹmenʃəvık] n русск.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Menshevik — (adj.) 1907, from Rus. men shevik, from men she lesser (comparative of malo little, from PIE root *mei small; see MINUS (Cf. minus)) + evik one that is. So called by Lenin because they were a minority in the party. Earlier used in reference to… … Etymology dictionary
Menshevik — [men′shə vik΄] n. pl. Mensheviks or Mensheviki [men′shəvē΄kē] [Russ (1903) < menshe, the smaller, less, minority < OSlav miniji, smaller < IE * mineu , var. of base * mei , to lessen > L minor] a member of the minority faction… … English World dictionary
Menshevik — This article is about the Mensheviks as a faction inside the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party. For the history of the Menshevik movement as an independent political party after 1912, see Russian Social Democratic Labour Party (Mensheviks).… … Wikipedia
Menshevik — Menshevism /men sheuh viz euhm/, n. Menshevist, adj. /men sheuh vik/; Russ. /myin shi vyeek /, n., pl. Mensheviks, Mensheviki / vik ee, vee kee/; Russ. / vyi kyee /. a member of the Russian Social Democratic Workers party in opposition to the… … Universalium
Menshevik — noun (plural Mensheviks or Mensheviki) Etymology: Russian men shevik, from men she less; from their forming the minority group of the party Date: 1907 a member of a wing of the Russian Social Democratic party before and during the Russian… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Menshevik — Menchevik Dirigeants mencheviks à Norra Bantorget à Stockholm en mai 1917 : Pavel Axelrod, Julius Martov et Alexander Martinov. Les mencheviks constituent la faction minoritaire du Parti ouvrier social démocrate de Russie (POSDR) lors de l… … Wikipédia en Français
Menshevik — noun A member of the gradualist wing of the Russian Social Democratic Party during the years preceding the Russian Revolution … Wiktionary
Menshevik — [ mɛnʃɪvɪk] noun a member of the non Leninist wing of the Russian Social Democratic Workers Party, defeated by the Bolsheviks in 1917. Origin from Russ. Menʻshevik a member of the minority , from menʻshe less … English new terms dictionary
menshevik — men·she·vik … English syllables
Menshevik — Men•she•vik [[t]ˈmɛn ʃə vɪk[/t]] n. pl. viks, vik•i [[t] ˌvɪk i, ˌvi ki[/t]] gov (sometimes l.c.) a member of the moderate wing of the Russian Social Democratic Workers Party which, in opposition to the Bolsheviks, advocated gradual development… … From formal English to slang
Menshevik — /ˈmɛnʃəvɪk/ (say menshuhvik) noun (plural Mensheviki /ˈmɛnʃəvɪki/ (say menshuhvikee) or Mensheviks) Russian History a member of a less radical socialist party or group of the Social Democratic Party opposing the Bolshevik government. {Russian:… …