- mendacious
- [menʹdeıʃəs] a
лживый; ложный
mendacious newspaper reports - лживые газетные сообщения
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
mendacious newspaper reports - лживые газетные сообщения
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Mendacious — Men*da cious, a. [L. mendax, acis, lying, cf. mentiri to lie.] 1. Given to deception or falsehood; lying; as, a mendacious person. [1913 Webster] 2. False; counterfeit; containing falsehood; as, a mendacious statement. [1913 Webster] {Men*da… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
mendacious — I adjective artful, clever in deception, collusive, concocted, counterfeit, covinous, cunning, deceitful, deceiving, devoid of truth, dishonest, distorted, embroidered, fabricated, false, falsified, feigned, fictitious, fraudulent, given to lying … Law dictionary
mendacious — (adj.) 1610s, from M.Fr. mendacieux, from L. mendacium a lie, untruth, falsehood, fiction, from mendax (gen. mendacis) lying, deceitful, from menda fault, defect, carelessness in writing, from PIE root *mend physical defect, fault (see AMEND (Cf … Etymology dictionary
mendacious — *dishonest, lying, untruthful, deceitful Analogous words: *false, wrong: prevaricating, equivocating, paltering, fibbing (see LIE vb) Antonyms: veracious Contrasted words: *reliable, dependable, trustworthy: honest, *upright, just, scrupulous,… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
mendacious — [adj] dishonest deceitful, deceptive, duplicitous, equivocating, erroneous, fallacious, false, fibbing, fraudulent, insincere, lying, paltering, perfidious, perjured, prevaricating, shifty, spurious, untrue, untruthful, wrong; concept 267 Ant.… … New thesaurus
mendacious — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ untruthful. DERIVATIVES mendaciously adverb mendacity noun. ORIGIN Latin mendax lying … English terms dictionary
mendacious — [men dā′shəs] adj. [< L mendax (gen. mendacis) < IE base * mend , a flaw > L emendare,EMEND] not truthful; lying or false mendaciously adv. mendaciousness n … English World dictionary
mendacious — mendaciously, adv. mendaciousness, n. /men day sheuhs/, adj. 1. telling lies, esp. habitually; dishonest; lying; untruthful: a mendacious person. 2. false or untrue: a mendacious report. [1610 20; < L mendaci (see MENDACITY) + OUS] Ant. 1, 2.… … Universalium
mendacious — [[t]mende͟ɪʃəs[/t]] ADJ GRADED A mendacious person is someone who tells lies. A mendacious statement is one that is a lie. [FORMAL] … English dictionary
mendacious — adjective Etymology: Latin mendac , mendax more at amend Date: 1616 given to or characterized by deception or falsehood or divergence from absolute truth < mendacious tales of his adventures > Synonyms: see dishonest • mendaciously adverb •… … New Collegiate Dictionary
mendacious — men|da|cious [menˈdeıʃəs] adj formal [Date: 1600 1700; : Latin; Origin: mendax] not truthful ▪ mendacious propaganda >mendaciously adv … Dictionary of contemporary English