- memoir
- [ʹmemwɑ:] n
1. краткая (авто)биография2. pl мемуары, воспоминания3. 1) научная статья; мемуар2) pl учёные записки4. некролог (в газете)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Memoir '44 — Players 2 players, 2 teams of up to 3 players or 2 teams of up to 4 for with two copies Age range 8 and up Setup time 10 minutes Playing ti … Wikipedia
Memoir '44 — Издатель Days of Wonder Кол … Википедия
memoir — [mem′wär΄, mem′wôr΄] n. [Fr mémoire, masc., a memorandum, memoir, fem., memory < L memoria,MEMORY] 1. a biography, usually one written by someone who knew the subject well 2. [pl.] an autobiography, esp. one that is objective and anecdotal in… … English World dictionary
Memoir — Mem oir, or pl. Memoirs Mem oirs, n. [F. m[ e]moire, m., memorandum, fr. m[ e]moire, f., memory, L. memoria. See {Memory}.] 1. A memorial account; a history composed from personal experience and memory; an account of transactions or events… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
memoir — index account (report), memorandum, recollection, story (narrative) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
memoir — (n.) early 15c., written record, from Anglo Fr. memorie note, memorandum, something written to be kept in mind (early 15c., O.Fr. memoire), from L. memoria (see MEMORY (Cf. memory)). Meaning person s written account of his life is from 1670s … Etymology dictionary
memoir — *biography, life, autobiography, confessions … New Dictionary of Synonyms
memoir — [n] record of experiences account, anecdote, annal, autobiography, bio*, biography, chronicle, confessions, diary, discourse, dissertation, essay, journal, life, life story, memory, monograph, narrative, note, recollection, register, reminiscence … New thesaurus
memoir — ► NOUN 1) a historical account or biography written from personal knowledge. 2) (memoirs) an account written by a public figure of their life and experiences. ORIGIN French mémoire memory … English terms dictionary
Memoir — For other uses, see Memoir (disambiguation). A memoir (from French: mémoire / Latin: memoria, meaning memory, or reminiscence), is a literary genre, forming a subclass of autobiography – although the terms memoir and autobiography are almost… … Wikipedia
memoir — noun (sometimes memoirs) ADJECTIVE ▪ personal ▪ a personal memoir of these important events ▪ childhood ▪ O Connor published a childhood memoir. ▪ … Collocations dictionary