- asbolite
- [ʹæsbəlaıt] n мин.
асболит, асболан
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
asbolite — as·bo·lite … English syllables
asbolite — … Useful english dictionary
cobalt processing — Introduction preparation of the metal for use in various products. Below 417° C (783° F), cobalt (Co) has a stable hexagonal close packed crystal structure. At higher temperatures up to the melting point of 1,495° C (2,723° F), the… … Universalium
Cobalt — Co balt (k[=o] b[o^]lt; 277, 74), n. [G. kobalt, prob. fr. kobold, kobel, goblin, MHG. kobolt; perh. akin to G. koben pigsty, hut, AS. cofa room, cofgodas household gods, Icel. kofi hut. If so, the ending old stands for older walt, wald, being… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Cobalt bloom — Cobalt Co balt (k[=o] b[o^]lt; 277, 74), n. [G. kobalt, prob. fr. kobold, kobel, goblin, MHG. kobolt; perh. akin to G. koben pigsty, hut, AS. cofa room, cofgodas household gods, Icel. kofi hut. If so, the ending old stands for older walt, wald,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Cobalt blue — Cobalt Co balt (k[=o] b[o^]lt; 277, 74), n. [G. kobalt, prob. fr. kobold, kobel, goblin, MHG. kobolt; perh. akin to G. koben pigsty, hut, AS. cofa room, cofgodas household gods, Icel. kofi hut. If so, the ending old stands for older walt, wald,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Cobalt crust — Cobalt Co balt (k[=o] b[o^]lt; 277, 74), n. [G. kobalt, prob. fr. kobold, kobel, goblin, MHG. kobolt; perh. akin to G. koben pigsty, hut, AS. cofa room, cofgodas household gods, Icel. kofi hut. If so, the ending old stands for older walt, wald,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Cobalt glance — Cobalt Co balt (k[=o] b[o^]lt; 277, 74), n. [G. kobalt, prob. fr. kobold, kobel, goblin, MHG. kobolt; perh. akin to G. koben pigsty, hut, AS. cofa room, cofgodas household gods, Icel. kofi hut. If so, the ending old stands for older walt, wald,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Cobalt green — Cobalt Co balt (k[=o] b[o^]lt; 277, 74), n. [G. kobalt, prob. fr. kobold, kobel, goblin, MHG. kobolt; perh. akin to G. koben pigsty, hut, AS. cofa room, cofgodas household gods, Icel. kofi hut. If so, the ending old stands for older walt, wald,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
cobalt ultramarine — Cobalt Co balt (k[=o] b[o^]lt; 277, 74), n. [G. kobalt, prob. fr. kobold, kobel, goblin, MHG. kobolt; perh. akin to G. koben pigsty, hut, AS. cofa room, cofgodas household gods, Icel. kofi hut. If so, the ending old stands for older walt, wald,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Cobalt yellow — Cobalt Co balt (k[=o] b[o^]lt; 277, 74), n. [G. kobalt, prob. fr. kobold, kobel, goblin, MHG. kobolt; perh. akin to G. koben pigsty, hut, AS. cofa room, cofgodas household gods, Icel. kofi hut. If so, the ending old stands for older walt, wald,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English