- melanesian
- 1. [͵melə|ʹni:ʒ(ə)n,-{͵melə}ʹni:zıən] n
1. житель Меланезии, меланезиец; меланезийка2. меланезийские языки2. [͵melə|ʹni:ʒ(ə)n,-{͵melə}ʹni:zıən] aмеланезийский
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Melanesian — Mel a*ne sian, prop. a. [Gr. me las, me lanos, black + ? island. Melanesia was so called from the dark complexion of the natives.] Of or pertaining to Melanesia. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Melanesian — (adj.) 1840, from MELANESIA (Cf. Melanesia) + IAN (Cf. ian) … Etymology dictionary
Melanesian — [mel΄ə nēzhən, mel΄ə nēshən] adj. of Melanesia or its peoples, languages, or cultures n. 1. a member of any of the indigenous peoples of Melanesia 2. a branch of the Austronesian family of languages, consisting of the languages of Melanesia … English World dictionary
Melanesian — noun Date: 1845 1. a member of the dominant native group of Melanesia 2. a language group consisting of the Austronesian languages of Melanesia • Melanesian adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
Melanesian — 1. adjective Of or relating to Melanesia. 2. noun A Melanesian person. See Also: Melanesia … Wiktionary
Melanesian Spearhead Group — Seat … Wikipedia
Melanesian Hotel Vanuatu (Efate Island) — Melanesian Hotel Vanuatu country: Vanuatu, city: Efate Island (Port Vila) Melanesian Hotel Vanuatu Located less than a kilometre from the centre of Port Vila, Melanesian Hotel Vanuatu is located on Efate Island. Vanuatu consists of 83 islands in… … International hotels
Melanesian Progressive Union — Union progressiste mélanésienne Leader Victor Tutugoro Founded … Wikipedia
Melanesian Hotel — (Lae,Папуа Новая Гвинея) Категория отеля: Адрес: Second Street, 495 Lae, Папуа Нов … Каталог отелей
Melanesian mythology — is a European way of referring to the custom stories of the world area known since the 19th century as Melanesia , an umbrella term used for the archipelagos of New Guinea, the Torres Strait Islands, the Admiralty Islands, Solomon Islands, New… … Wikipedia
Melanesian Megapode — Conservation status Least Concern ( … Wikipedia