
1. [ʹmeds(ə)n] n
1. медицина, особ. терапия

to study medicine - изучать медицину, учиться на врача

to practise medicine - практиковать, заниматься врачебной деятельностью

medicine and duty - воен. «оказана медицинская помощь без освобождения от занятий и нарядов» (запись в книге больных)

2. лекарство, медикамент

patent medicine - патентованное лекарство /средство/

a good medicine for colds [a cough] - хорошее лекарство от простуды [кашля]

to take medicine - принимать лекарство, особ. слабительное [ср. тж. ]

he is always taking medicines - он вечно принимает (всякие) лекарства

3. 1) колдовство, магия
2) талисман, амулет

to take /to swallow/ one's medicine - а) покориться неизбежности, стойко переносить что-л. неприятное; проглотить пилюлю; he took his medicine like a man - он проглотил эту пилюлю как настоящий мужчина; you must take your medicine like a man - ты должен стойко /как мужчина/ перенести то, что тебя ждёт; б) понести заслуженное наказание; he will have to take his medicine - ему придётся ответить (за свои поступки); в) шутл. глотнуть спиртного; «принять», выпить; [ср. тж. 2]

to give smb. a dose /a taste/ of his own medicine - отплатить кому-л. тем же /той же монетой/

2. [ʹmeds(ə)n] v уст.
1. лечить, врачевать, пользовать
2. давать лекарство

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "medicine" в других словарях:

  • medicine — 1. A drug. 2. The art of preventing or curing disease; the science concerned with disease in all its relations. 3. The study and treatment of general diseases or those affecting the internal parts of the body, especially those not usually… …   Medical dictionary

  • Medicine, adoption — Medicine for the adopted child, including pre adoption counseling and evaluation based on a child s medical records as well as post adoption consultations and, often, primary care of the adopted child. The field of adoption medicine began to… …   Medical dictionary

  • medicine cabinet — n MEDICINE CHEST …   Medical dictionary

  • medicine glass — n a small glass vessel graduated (as in ounces, drams, or milliliters) for measuring medicine …   Medical dictionary

  • medicine chest — n a cupboard used esp. for storing medicines or first aid supplies …   Medical dictionary

  • medicine dropper — n DROPPER …   Medical dictionary

  • Medicine, forensic — The branch of medicine that deals with the application of medical knowledge to legal problems and legal proceedings. Forensic medicine is also called legal medicine. A physician may be engaged in forensic (or legal) medicine; a lawyer with… …   Medical dictionary

  • Medicine, legal — The branch of medicine that deals with the application of medical knowledge to legal problems and legal proceedings. Legal medicine is also called forensic medicine. A physician may be engaged in legal (or forensic) medicine while a lawyer with… …   Medical dictionary

  • Medicine, transfusion — Blood transfusion and blood conservation are the complementary activities that constitute the clinical arena of transfusion medicine. Blood transfusion is the transfer of blood or blood products from one person (the donor) into another person s… …   Medical dictionary

  • Medicine, occupational — The field of medicine encompassing diseases due to factors in the occupation of people. Occupational medicine was founded by the Italian physician Bernardino Ramazzini (1633 1714). His De Morbis Artificium (On Artificially Caused Diseases)… …   Medical dictionary

  • Medicine, geriatric — The branch of medicine concerned with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease in older people and the problems specific to aging. Also called geriatrics. From the Greek geron meaning old man + iatreia meaning the treatment of disease …   Medical dictionary

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