- matrilineal
- [͵mætrıʹlınıəl] a
определяемый по женской линии (о происхождении, порядке наследования и т. п.)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Matrilineal — matrilineal … Dictionary of sociology
matrilineal — adj. tracing descent through the female line. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
matrilineal — pertaining to or descended from the mother s side, 1897, from MATRI (Cf. matri ) + LINEAL (Cf. lineal). Related: Matrilineage; matrilineally … Etymology dictionary
matrilineal — adj. Antrop. Dicho de una organización social: Que se basa en el predominio de la línea materna … Diccionario de la lengua española
matrilineal — [ma΄trə lin′ē əl, mā΄trəlin′ē əl] adj. [ MATRI + LINEAL] designating or of descent, kinship, or derivation through the mother: also matrilinear [mā΄trəlin′ē ər] matrilineally adv … English World dictionary
matrilineal — (Del lat. mater, matris, madre + lineal.) ► adjetivo SOCIOLOGÍA Se aplica al tipo de filiación u organización social que se funda en las relaciones familiares de la madre, que transmite el nombre, los privilegios y la pertenencia a un clan o a… … Enciclopedia Universal
matrilineal — adjective Date: 1904 relating to, based on, or tracing descent through the maternal line < matrilineal society > • matrilineally adverb … New Collegiate Dictionary
Matrilineal — Matrilinearität (adj.: matrilinear, seltener: matrilineal), oder uterine Deszendenz, Mutterfolge, bezeichnet in der Ethnologie, Anthropologie und Biologie ein System, das die verwandtschaftlichen Verhältnisse und die sonstigen Rechtsverhältnisse … Deutsch Wikipedia
matrilineal — adjective Tracing descent only through female lines. Kerala traditionally has matrilineal inheritance. Ant: patrilineal … Wiktionary
matrilineal — Denoting descent through the female line. [L. mater, mother, + linea, line] * * * ma·tri·lin·eal .ma trə lin ē əl, .mā adj relating to, based on, or tracing descent through the maternal line <a matrilineal society> * * * ma·tri·lin·e·al… … Medical dictionary
matrilineal — Matrilineages are unilineal descent groups that claim real or fictive kinship through maternal ties to a common ancestress through known genealogical links. In matrilineal systems, inheritance is traced from the maternal uncle (mother s brother)… … Dictionary of sociology