- matrifocal
- [͵mætrıʹfəʋk(ə)l] a книжн.
ориентированный на мать (о семье), определяемый матерью
matrifocal family structure - структура семьи, центром которой является мать
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
matrifocal family structure - структура семьи, центром которой является мать
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
matrifocal — 1952, a term from sociology, from MATRI (Cf. matri ) + FOCAL (Cf. focal) … Etymology dictionary
matrifocal — [ma΄trə fō′kəl] adj. of a sociological group, as a household, tribe, etc., having a female as its leader … English World dictionary
matrifocal — /ma treuh foh keuhl, may /, adj. 1. of, pertaining to, or designating a family unit or structure headed by the mother and lacking a father permanently or for extended periods. 2. focused or centered on the mother. [1950 55; MATRI + FOCAL] * * * … Universalium
matrifocal — adjective matriarchal … Wiktionary
matrifocal — adj. centered on the mother; of or pertaining to a family headed by the mother; based on the mother being the head of the household … English contemporary dictionary
matrifocal — adjective (of a society) based on the mother as the head of the household … English new terms dictionary
matrifocal — ma·tri·focal … English syllables
matrifocal — /mætriˈfoʊkəl/ (say matree fohkuhl) adjective of or relating to a kinship group in which the mother is the head of a household. –matrifocalism, noun …
matrifocal — ¦ma.trə, ¦mā. ˌ adjective Etymology: matr + focal : matricentric … Useful english dictionary
familia matrifocal — Unidad familiar compuesta por la madre y sus hijos. Los padres biológicos tienen un lugar temporal en la familia durante los primeros años de vida de los hijos, pero permanecen más en sus familias de origen. Diccionario Mosby Medicina, Enfermería … Diccionario médico
matrifocality — matrifocalˈity noun • • • Main Entry: ↑matrifocal … Useful english dictionary