- articulated
- [ɑ:ʹtıkjʋleıtıd] a
articulated bus - спаренный автобус
articulated lorry - автопоезд
articulated harrow - с.-х. членистая борона
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
articulated bus - спаренный автобус
articulated lorry - автопоезд
articulated harrow - с.-х. членистая борона
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
articulated — articulated; un·articulated; bi·articulated; … English syllables
Articulated — Ar*tic u*la ted, a. 1. United by, or provided with, articulations; jointed; as, an articulated skeleton. [1913 Webster] 2. Produced, as a letter, syllable, or word, by the organs of speech; pronounced. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
articulated — index nuncupative, oral Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
articulated — (adj.) jointed, 1610s, pp. adjective from ARTICULATE (Cf. articulate) (v.). Meaning made distinct is from 1855 … Etymology dictionary
articulated — integrated, concatenated (see under INTEGRATE) Analogous words: united, joined, connected, linked, related (see JOIN): organized, systematized, methodized, ordered (see ORDER vb) Contrasted words: dissected, resolved, analyzed (see ANALYZE):… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
articulated — /ahr tik yeuh lay tid/, adj. 1. made clear or distinct: articulated sounds. 2. having a joint or joints; jointed: an articulated appendage. 3. (of a vehicle) built in sections that are hinged or otherwise connected so as to allow flexibility of… … Universalium
Articulated — (Е) Articulated 8. Стрела фиксированной длины Стрела с фиксированной рабочей длиной, которую можно менять путем добавления или снятия промежуточных секций, но которая не может быть изменена в период выполнения рабочего цикла Источник: ГОСТ 27552… … Словарь-справочник терминов нормативно-технической документации
articulated — Jointed. An articulated rod is made of two sections with a moveable joint which permits its shape to go from perfectly straight to right angle. Also see articulated bus articulated truck … Dictionary of automotive terms
articulated — adjective Date: 1899 of a vehicle having a hinge or pivot connection especially to allow negotiation of sharp turns < articulated lorry > < articulated bus > … New Collegiate Dictionary
articulated — adjective a) Constructed with one or more pivoted joints which allow bending of an otherwise rigid structure. b) Specifically, describes a vehicle with such joints, e.g. an articulated lorry, articulated bus, or certain kinds of streetcars and… … Wiktionary
articulated — ar|tic|u|lat|ed [ ar tıkjuleıtıd ] adjective BRITISH an articulated vehicle has two or more parts that are connected so they can move in different directions at the same time: an articulated lorry … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English