
[ʹmɑ:st(ə)rı] n
1. господство, власть

mastery in the air - господство в воздухе

mastery of the sea - господство на море

to gain /to get/ the mastery over /of/ smth., smb. - добиться господства /превосходства/ над чем-л., кем-л.

which side will gain the mastery? - какая сторона добьётся превосходства?

to maintain mastery - воен. удерживать господство

2. мастерство, искусство; совершенное владение (предметом, игрой и т. п.)

his mastery of the violin - его совершенное владение техникой игры на скрипке

the author's mastery of his subject - владение темой у автора

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "mastery" в других словарях:

  • Mastery — Mas ter*y, n.; pl. {Masteries}. [OF. maistrie.] [1913 Webster] 1. The position or authority of a master; dominion; command; supremacy; superiority. [1913 Webster] If divided by mountains, they will fight for the mastery of the passages of the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • mastery — [mas′tər ē, mäs′tər ē] n. pl. masteries [ME maistrie < OFr: see MASTER] 1. mastership; rule; control 2. ascendancy or victory in struggle or competition; the upper hand 3. masterly ability; expert skill or knowledge [his mastery of chess] 4.… …   English World dictionary

  • mastery — index ability, advantage, apprehension (perception), cognition, competence (ability), control ( …   Law dictionary

  • mastery — (n.) early 13c., mesterie, condition of being a master, also superiority, victory; from O.Fr. maistrie, from maistre master (see MASTER (Cf. master) (n.)). Meaning intellectual command (of a topic, etc.) is from 1660s …   Etymology dictionary

  • mastery — [n] command, expertise ability, acquirement, adeptness, adroitness, attainment, capacity, cleverness, comprehension, cunning, deftness, dexterity, expertism, expertness, familiarity, finesse, genius, grasp, grip, ken, knack, know how, knowledge,… …   New thesaurus

  • mastery — ► NOUN 1) comprehensive knowledge or command of a subject or skill. 2) control or superiority …   English terms dictionary

  • mastery — n. 1) to demonstrate, display mastery 2) to acquire mastery 3) (a) complete; thorough mastery 4) mastery of; over (mastery of one s subject; mastery over other people) * * * [ mɑːst(ə)rɪ] display mastery thorough mastery over (mastery of one s… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • mastery — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ absolute, complete, total ▪ technical ▪ He plays the violin with technical mastery, but little feeling. VERB + MASTERY ▪ …   Collocations dictionary

  • mastery — [[t]mɑ͟ːstəri, mæ̱s [/t]] 1) N UNCOUNT: oft N of n If you show mastery of a particular skill or language, you show that you have learned or understood it completely and have no difficulty using it. He doesn t have mastery of the basic rules of… …   English dictionary

  • mastery — mas|ter|y [ˈma:stəri US ˈmæ ] n [U] 1.) thorough understanding or great skill mastery of ▪ She possesses complete technical mastery of her instrument. 2.) complete control or power over someone or something mastery of/over ▪ humankind s mastery… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • mastery — noun 1) her mastery of the language Syn: proficiency, ability, capability; knowledge, understanding, comprehension, familiarity, command, grasp, grip 2) they played with tactical mastery Syn: skill …   Thesaurus of popular words

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