- mass grave
- [ʹmæsʹgreıv]
братская могила
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Mass grave — Workers from the town of Nordhausen bury corpses of prisoners found at Mittelbau Dora concentration camp in mass graves. Rare colour photograph taken in 1945. Photo credit: USHMM A mass grave is a grave containing multiple number of human corpses … Wikipedia
Mass Grave Aesthetics — EP by Deathspell Omega Released 8 December 2008 Genre Progressive black metal Length 19:43 … Wikipedia
Mass grave of Tom Ndoja and Sokol Sokoli — The Mass grave of Tom Ndoja and Sokol Sokoli is a massgrave near Kuç, Albania.[1][2] Background Executed by the communist regime after the May 20 revolt of 1984 in the notorious prison of neck Bari, the location of their bones had been mystery to … Wikipedia
mass grave — noun a grave containing many human corpses, either as the result of natural disaster or war … Wiktionary
mass grave — large grave where a large number of bodies are buried … English contemporary dictionary
Huhtiniemi mass grave — is a mass grave site with two graves and at least 15 bodies in Huhtiniemi, Lappeenranta, eastern Finland. Further 10 bodies were excavated already in 1971, leading for the more recent studies, and fragments of two other individuals were found in… … Wikipedia
Duraiappa stadium mass grave — The Duraiappa stadium mass grave (also spelled Duraiyappah or Thuraiappa) was discovered and excavated at the Duraiappah Sports Stadium (named after Alfred Duraiappah) in the formerly embattled northern city of Jaffna, Sri Lanka, during a period… … Wikipedia
Sooriyakanda mass grave — The Sooriyakanda mass grave is the mass burial ground of murdered school children from Embilipitiya Maha Vidyalaya (Embilipitiya High School) in Sri Lanka. These school children were killed and buried as part of the counter insurgency during the… … Wikipedia
Confederate Mass Grave Monument in Somerset — U.S. National Register of Historic Places … Wikipedia
Confederate Mass Grave Monument in Somerset — Konföderiertes Massengrab in Nancy, Kentucky Das Confederate Mass Grave Monument in Somerset im Pulaski County bei Nancy in Kentucky, Vereinigte Staaten ehrt die Soldaten der Confederate States Army, die bei der Schlacht von Mill Springs fielen.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mass graves in Iraq — have become well known since the US led invasion of Iraq toppled Saddam Hussein. The following is taken from Fact Sheet Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor and Bureau of Public Affairs Mass graves in Iraq are characterized as unmarked… … Wikipedia