
[ʹmærıdʒ] n
1. брак; замужество; женитьба; супружество

cross marriages - а) перекрёстные браки, браки, заключённые соответственно между сёстрами и братьями двух семей; б) смешанные браки (между представителями различных рас, национальностей, племён; тж. heterogeneous marriages)

plural marriage - полигамия, многожёнство

communal marriage - ист. общинный брак

law of marriage - брачное право

offer of marriage - предложение

to make an offer of marriage - сделать предложение (о браке)

to refuse an offer of marriage - отказать жениху

marriage of convenience, money marriage - брак по расчёту

his marriage to my sister - его женитьба на моей сестре

uncle by marriage - дядя мужа или жены

they are related by marriage - они родственники по мужу или жене

to give smb. in marriage - выдавать кого-л. замуж; женить кого-л.; отдать кого-л. в жёны или мужья

to take smb. in marriage - брать кого-л. в жёны или мужья

to take smb. in second marriage - сочетаться с кем-л. вторым браком

to seek smb.'s hand in marriage - добиваться чьей-л. руки

to contract a marriage - книжн. вступать в брак, бракосочетаться

they were joined in marriage - они сочетались браком

they were very happy in their marriage - они были очень счастливы в супружестве, их брак был очень счастливым

their marriage has broken up - их брак распался

marriage ties /bonds/ - брачные узы

marriage guidance - консультативная помощь по вопросам семьи и брака

marriage guidance counsellor - специалист, консультирующий по вопросам семьи и брака

2. бракосочетание, брачная церемония, свадьба (тж. marriage ceremony)

civil marriage - гражданский брак

Gretna Green marriage - брак между убежавшим и возлюбленными (без соблюдения формальностей)

Scotch marriage - брак без соблюдения формальностей (простым объявлением себя мужем и женой при свидетелях)

shotgun marriage - амер. разг. вынужденный брак

marriage articles /contract, settlement/ - брачный договор, регулирующий будущие имущественные отношения супругов

marriage customs - традиции, связанные с бракосочетанием /со свадьбами/

3. тесное единение, тесный союз

the marriage of theory and practice - единство теории и практики

the marriage of verse and tune - соответствие стиха мелодии

the marriage of line and colour - гармония линии и цвета

4. 1) тех. точная пригонка деталей
2) реакт. стыковка ступеней ракеты; соединение
5. карт. марьяж

marriage is a lottery - брак - это лотерея

marriages are made in heaven - браки заключаются на небесах; ≅ как кому суждено

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "marriage" в других словарях:

  • marriage — mar·riage / mar ij/ n 1: the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a legal, consensual, and contractual relationship recognized and sanctioned by and dissolvable only by law see also divorce 2: the ceremony… …   Law dictionary

  • marriage — is traditionally conceived to be a legally recognized relationship, between an adult male and female, that carries certain rights and obligations. However, in contemporary societies, marriage is sometimes interpreted more liberally and the phrase …   Dictionary of sociology

  • marriage — marriage, matrimony, wedlock, wedding, nuptial, espousal are comparable though not always synonymous because they all refer directly or indirectly to acts by which a man and woman become husband and. wife or to the state of being husband and wife …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Marriage — Mar riage, n. [OE. mariage, F. mariage. See {Marry}, v. t.] 1. The act of marrying, or the state of being married; legal union of a man and a woman for life, as husband and wife; wedlock; matrimony. [1913 Webster] Marriage is honorable in all.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • marriage — (n.) c.1300, act of marrying, entry into wedlock; also state or condition of being husband and wife; from O.Fr. mariage marriage; dowry (12c.), from V.L. *maritaticum (11c.), from L. maritatus, pp. of maritatre to wed, marry, give in marriage… …   Etymology dictionary

  • marriage — ► NOUN 1) the formal union of a man and a woman, by which they become husband and wife. 2) a combination of two or more elements. ● marriage of convenience Cf. ↑marriage of convenience ORIGIN Old French mariage, from marier marry …   English terms dictionary

  • marriage — [n] legal joining of two people; a union alliance, amalgamation, association, confederation, conjugality, connubiality, consortium, coupling, espousal, holy matrimony, link, match, mating, matrimony, merger, monogamy, nuptials, pledging,… …   New thesaurus

  • marriage — [mar′ij] n. [ME mariage < OFr < marier: see MARRY1] 1. the state of being married; relation between spouses; married life; wedlock; matrimony 2. the act of marrying; wedding 3. the rite or form used in marrying 4. any close or intimate… …   English World dictionary

  • Marriage — For other uses, see Marriage (disambiguation). Married and Matrimony redirect here. For other uses, see Married (disambiguation) and Matrimony (disambiguation) …   Wikipedia

  • MARRIAGE — This article is arranged according to the following outline: the concept in the bible in sectarian teaching in rabbinic literature in medieval and modern times marriage ceremony in the bible in the talmud post talmudic period the marriage… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • marriage — /mar ij/, n. 1. the social institution under which a man and woman establish their decision to live as husband and wife by legal commitments, religious ceremonies, etc. 2. the state, condition, or relationship of being married; wedlock: a happy… …   Universalium

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