- marchesa
- [mɑ:ʹkeı|zɑ:] n (pl -se [-{mɑ:ʹkeı}zə])
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
marchesa — [mär kā′zä] n. pl. marchese [mär kezā] 1. the wife or widow of a marchese 2. an Italian noblewoman ranking just above a countess … English World dictionary
Marchesa — Mar|che|sa 〈[ ke: ] f.; , che|sen [ ke: ]; ital. Bez. für〉 Markgräfin * * * Mar|che|sa [mar ke:za ], die; , s od. …sen [ital. marchesa]: w. Form zu ↑ Marchese. * * * Mar|che|sa [mar ke:za], die; , s od. ...sen [ital. marchesa]: w. Form zu ↑ … Universal-Lexikon
Marchesa — Mar|che|sa [...k...] die; , Plur. s od. ...sen <aus gleichbed. it. marchesa, Fem. von marchese, vgl. ↑Marchese>: a) (ohne Plur.) hoher ital. Adelstitel; b) Trägerin dieses Titels … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
Marchesa (brand) — Marchesa Type Privately held Industry Fashion Founded 2004 Headquarters New York Products Women s Dresses, Wedding Dresses, Handbags, China … Wikipedia
Marchesa Colombi — es el pseudónimo con el que es conocida Maria Antonietta Torriani (Novara, 1 de junio de 1840 Turín, 1920), escritora italiana, muy popular en su momento por sus novelas y por sus colaboraciones en la prensa, especialmente en el Corriere della… … Wikipedia Español
Marchesa Colombi — (spr. kē ), Pseudonym der ital. Schriftstellerin Maria Torelli Torriani … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Marchesa Casati (Augustus John) — The Marchesa Casati is a portrait of Luisa Casati by Augustus John, currently housed in the collection of the Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO) in Toronto. The painting was done in 1919. John had been attached to the Canadian forces as a war artist… … Wikipedia
marchesa — noun (plural marchese) Etymology: Italian, feminine of marchese Date: 1754 an Italian woman holding the rank of a marchese ; marchioness … New Collegiate Dictionary
marchesa — /mahr kay zeuh/; It. /mahrdd ke zah/, n., pl. marchese / zay/; It. / ze/. 1. an Italian noblewoman, equivalent in rank to a marquise. 2. the wife or widow of a marchese. [1790 1800; < It; fem. of MARCHESE] * * * … Universalium
marchesa — mar·ché·sa s.f. 1. AD figlia di un marchese | moglie di un marchese 2. TS orefic. → marquise {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1578 81. ETIMO: der. di 1marchese, cfr. sp. marquesa … Dizionario italiano
marchesa — {{hw}}{{marchesa}}{{/hw}}s. f. 1 Anticamente, signora di un marchesato. 2 Moglie o figlia di un marchese … Enciclopedia di italiano