- maratha
- [məʹrɑ:tə] n
1. маратхи (нация в Индии)2. маратх
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Maratha — state in southwestern India, also in reference to the Scytho Dravidian race living there, 1763 (Mharatta), from Marathi Maratha, corresponding to Skt. Maharastrah, lit. great country, from maha great (from PIE root *meg great; see MAGNATE (Cf.… … Etymology dictionary
Maratha — [mə rä′tə] n. [Marathi Maraṭhā < Sans Mahārāṣṭra, lit., great country < mahā , great (see MAGNI ) + rāṣṭra, kingdom < rāj, to rule: see RAJAH] a member of a people of Maharashtra state in W India … English World dictionary
MARATHA — Arcadiae vicus. Pausan. l. 8. Ofrhoenae urbs. Liber Notitiar … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Maratha — This article is about the specific Maratha caste . For the wider group of Marathi speakers, see Marathi people. A Maratha Family from Bombay (Mumbai), 1880 s The Maratha (Marathi: मराठा … Wikipedia
Maratha — /meuh rah teuh/, n. a member of a Hindu people inhabiting central and western India. Also, Mahratta. * * * ▪ people also spelled Mahrattā, or Mahrattī, a major people of India, famed in history as yeoman warriors and champions of… … Universalium
Maratha — Indien zur Zeit von Robert Clive um 1760. Staatsgebilde und Einflussgebiet der Marathen sind gelb dargestellt. Maratha, das Reich der Marathen, (marathi मराठा साम्राज्य Marāṭhā Sāmrājya Maratha Samrajya) war ein Staat in Zentralindien… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Maratha — Mahratta Mah*rat ta, n. [Hind. Marhat[=a], Marh[=a]tt[=a], the name of a famous Hindoo race, from the old Skr. name Mah[=a] r[=a]shtra.] One of a numerous people inhabiting the southwestern part of India. Also, the language of the Mahrattas;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Maratha — also Mahratta noun Etymology: Marathi Marāṭhā & Hindi Marhaṭṭā, from Sanskrit Mahārāṣṭra Maharashtra Date: 1748 a member of a people of the south central part of the subcontinent of India … New Collegiate Dictionary
Maratha — n. (also Mahratta) a member of a warrior people native to the modern Indian State of Maharashtra. Etymology: Hindi Marhatta f. Skr. Maharashtra great kingdom * * * Maratha var. Mahratta … Useful english dictionary
Maratha Light Infantry — The Regimental Insignia of the Maratha Light Infantry Active 1768 Present Country … Wikipedia
Maratha Ditch — (archaic spelling: Mahratta Ditch) was a three mile long moat excavated around Kolkata (then known as Calcutta) in the present Indian state of West Bengal, in 1742, as a protection against possible attacks by marauding Bargis, as the Marathas… … Wikipedia