- arrowy
- [ʹærəʋı] a
1. стреловидный; остроконечный2. быстрый как стрела
arrowy swallow - быстрокрылая ласточка
3. колкий, язвительный, острыйarrowy words - язвительные слова
arrowy tongue - острый язык
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
arrowy swallow - быстрокрылая ласточка
arrowy words - язвительные слова
arrowy tongue - острый язык
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Arrowy — Ar row*y, a. 1. Consisting of arrows. [1913 Webster] How quick they wheeled, and flying, behind them shot Sharp sleet of arrowy showers. Milton. [1913 Webster] 2. Formed or moving like, or in any respect resembling, an arrow; swift; darting;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
arrowy — adjective Date: 1616 1. resembling or suggesting an arrow < arrowy pines >; especially swiftly moving < the sky was radiant with arrowy bolts Mark Twain > 2. consisting of arrows < arrowy showers > … New Collegiate Dictionary
arrowy — ˈarəwē, ˈer , wi adjective 1. : consisting of or full of arrows 2. : like an arrow or arrows (as in appearance, motion, or effect) : swift, darting, piercing that frail arrowy figure was invariably clothed in black Norman Douglas … Useful english dictionary
arrowy — /ar oh ee/, adj. 1. resembling or suggesting an arrow, as in slimness or swiftness. 2. consisting of arrows. [1630 40; ARROW + Y1] * * * … Universalium
arrowy — adjective a) Consisting of arrows. b) Formed or moving like, or in any respect resembling, an arrow; swift; darting; piercing … Wiktionary
arrowy — adj. having the shape of an arrow; being made up of arrows; quickly, speedily … English contemporary dictionary
arrowy — yarrow … Anagrams dictionary
arrowy — a. 1. Slender, delicate, reed like, gracile, graceful. 2. Swift, darting, rushing, lithe, sinuous. 3. Piercing, stinging, sarcastic … New dictionary of synonyms
arrowy — ar·rowy … English syllables
arrowy — /ˈæroʊi/ (say arohee) adjective 1. like an arrow in shape, speed, effect, etc.; swift or piercing. 2. consisting of arrows …
yarrow — arrowy … Anagrams dictionary