- manciple
- [ʹmænsıp(ə)l] n
эконом (особ. в колледжах)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
manciple — (n.) officer or servant who purchases provisions for a college, monastery, etc., early 13c., from O.Fr. mancipe servant, official, manciple, from L. mancipium servant, slave, slave obtained by legal transfer; the legal purchase of a thing, lit. a … Etymology dictionary
manciple — [man′sə pəl] n. [ME < OFr manciple, mancipe < ML mancipium, office of a purchaser < L, legal purchase, possession < manceps, buyer, contractor < manus, a hand + base of capere, to take: see MANUAL & HAVE] a steward or buyer of… … English World dictionary
Manciple — Man ci*ple, n. [From OF. mancipe slave, servant (with l inserted, as in participle), fr. L. mancipium. See {Mancipate}.] A steward; a purveyor, particularly of a college or Inn of Court. Chaucer. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Manciple — A manciple (pronounced /ˈmænsɨpəl/, US dict: măn′·sə·pəl) is a person in charge of the purchase and storage of food at an institution such as a college, monastery, or court of law. Manciples were sometimes also in charge of catering… … Wikipedia
manciple — /man seuh peuhl/, n. an officer or steward of a monastery, college, etc., authorized to purchase provisions. [1150 1200 in sense slave ; ME < MF manciple, var. of mancipe < ML mancipium, L: a possession, slave, orig., ownership, equiv. to mancip … Universalium
manciple — man•ci•ple [[t]ˈmæn sə pəl[/t]] n. a purveyor or steward, esp. of a monastery or college • Etymology: 1350–1400; < MF manciple « ML mancipium, orig. ownership, der. of manceps contractor, agent … From formal English to slang
Manciple Island — (64°56′S 63°56′W / 64.933°S 63.933°W / 64.933; 63.933) is an island lying between Reeve and Host Islands in the Wauwermans Islands, in the Wilhelm Archipelago. Shown on an Argen … Wikipedia
Manciple’s Tale, The — by Geoffrey Chaucer (ca. 1396) Chaucer’s Manciple’s Tale is the last fictional text in THE CANTERBURY TALES, in most manuscripts coming immediately before the Parson’s sermon on the Seven Deadly Sins that ends the collection.A BEAST FABLE… … Encyclopedia of medieval literature
manciple — noun Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo French, from Medieval Latin mancipium office of steward, from Latin, act of purchase, from mancip , manceps purchaser more at emancipate Date: 13th century a steward or purveyor especially for a college… … New Collegiate Dictionary
manciple — noun The person who purchased and managed the storage of food and other provisions in a monastery, college or law court … Wiktionary
Manciple — The steward of a community of lawyers, their chambers; the servant of a college or monastery responsible for its provisioning. [< Lat. manceps = an agent] … Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases