- malagasy
- 1. [͵mæləʹgæsı] n
1. малагасиец, мальгаш; малагасийка, мальгашка2. малагасийский язык2. [͵mæləʹgæsı] aмалагасийский
Malagasy Republic - ист. Малагасийская Республика; см. Madagascar 2
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Malagasy Republic - ист. Малагасийская Республика; см. Madagascar 2
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Malagasy — Gesprochen in Madagaskar, Komoren, Réunion Sprecher ca. 19.000.000 Linguistische Klassifikation Austronesisch Malayo Polynesisch West Malayo Polynesisch Borneo Ba … Deutsch Wikipedia
Malagasy — [ˌmalaˈɡasʲ] is the name of the people who live in Madagascar. Malagasy is also the name of the national and official language spoken in Madagascar. It may refer to anything pertaining to or characteristic of the island of Madagascar the Malagasy … Wikipedia
Malagasy — [mal΄ə gas′ē] n. pl. Malagasy or Malagasies [< native name, var. of the base Madagas in MADAGASCAR] 1. a person born or living in Madagascar 2. the Austronesian language spoken by the Malagasy adj. of the Malagasy or their language or culture … English World dictionary
malagasy — adj. inv. et n. (Madag.) Cour. d1./d adj. Syn. de malgache. (V. gasy.) || Subst. Un(e) Malagasy. d2./d n. m. Le malagasy: la langue malgache … Encyclopédie Universelle
Malagasy — Mal a*gas y, n. sing. & pl. A native or natives of Madagascar; also (sing.), the language. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Malagasy — Malagasy, einheimischer Name der Bewohner der Insel Madagaskar … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Malagasy — pertaining to Madagascar, large island off the coast of Africa, 1835, apparently a native alteration of MADAGASCAR (Cf. Madagascar) … Etymology dictionary
Malagasy — ISO 639 3 Code : mlg ISO 639 2/B Code : mlg ISO 639 2/T Code : mlg ISO 639 1 Code : mg Scope : Macrolanguage Language Type : Living Individual languages : Identifier : bhr Name: Bara Malagasy Individual languages : Identifier : bjq Name: Southern … Names of Languages ISO 639-3
Malagasy — Malgache Malgache Malagasy Parlée à Madagascar, Comores Nombre de locuteurs 20 millions Typologie VOS [1] agglutinante synthétique … Wikipédia en Français
Malagasy — noun (plural Malagasy; also Malagasies) Date: 1839 1. a member of a people of Indonesian and African origin who inhabit Madagascar 2. the Austronesian language of the Malagasy people • Malagasy adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
Malagasy — 1. noun /ˌmæləˈɡæsi/ a) A person from Madagascar or of Malagasy descent. b) A language spoken in Madagascar. 2. adjective /ˌmæləˈɡæsi/ Of, from, or pertaining to Madagascar, the Malagasy people or the Malagasy language … Wiktionary