
1. [ʹmeınstri:m] n
1. река, имеющая притоки
2. амер. главное течение, основное направление, основная, господствующая тенденция

writers in the mainstream - передовые писатели; писатели, идущие в ногу со временем

2. [ʹmeınstri:m] a амер.
1. представляющий большинство

mainstream Americans - средние американцы

2. конформистский
3. идущий по прямой; идущий по главному каналу

mainstream smoke - дым, который курильщик вдыхает (в противоположность дыму сигареты)

3. [ʹmeınstri:m] v амер.
помещать отставших в своём развитии детей вместе с нормальными

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "mainstream" в других словарях:

  • Mainstream EP — EP by Metric Released 1998 Recorded Unknown Genre Indie rock …   Wikipedia

  • mainstream — [mān′strēm΄] n. 1. the middle of a stream, where the current is strongest 2. the part of something considered to be the most active, productive, lively, busy, etc. [the mainstream of life] 3. a major or prevailing trend, as of thought, action,… …   English World dictionary

  • mainstream — main stream n. The prevailing opinion or practise; as, the doctor avoided using therapies outside the mainstream of modern medical practice. [PJC] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • mainstream — ● mainstream nom masculin (mot anglais signifiant courant principal) Style des musiciens fidèles à la tradition du jazz des années 1930 et 1940, par opposition au jazz traditionnel et au jazz moderne. ● mainstream (synonymes) nom masculin (mot… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • mainstream — (n.) also main stream, main stream, principal current of a river, 1660s, from MAIN (Cf. main) (adj.) + STREAM (Cf. stream) (n.); hence, prevailing direction in opinion, popular taste, etc., a figurative use first attested in Carlyle (1831).… …   Etymology dictionary

  • mainstream — (izg. mèinstrim) m DEFINICIJA žarg. 1. najšire prihvaćen način mišljenja ili djelovanja 2. glazb. umjerena struja u jazzu i pop glazbi, dopadljiva širem krugu slušatelja [rock mainstream] ETIMOLOGIJA engl …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • mainstream — ► NOUN ▪ normal or conventional ideas, attitudes, or activities. ► ADJECTIVE ▪ belonging to or characteristic of the mainstream …   English terms dictionary

  • mainstream — main stream v. t. (Education) TO place (a student) in regular school classes; used especially of mentally or physically handicapped children. [WordNet 1.5] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • mainstream — [adj] prevailing accepted, average, common, conventional, current, dominant, established, general, normal, popular, predominant, primary, regular, standard, typical, widespread; concept 530 Ant. heterodox …   New thesaurus

  • Mainstream — For other uses, see Mainstream (disambiguation). Mainstream is, generally, the common current thought of the majority.[1] However, the mainstream is far from cohesive; rather the concept is often considered a cultural construct[citation needed].… …   Wikipedia

  • mainstream — ▪ I. mainstream main‧stream 1 [ˈmeɪnstriːm] noun 1. the mainstream of something the most usual way of doing something or thinking about something: • Depression era laws have kept banks out of the mainstream of financial change. 2. the mainstream… …   Financial and business terms

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