- madrasah
- [məʹdræsə] n араб.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
madrasah — (n.) Islamic college, 1620s, from Arabic madrasah, lit. a place of study, from locative prefix ma + stem of darasa he read repeatedly, he studied, which is related to Hebrew darash (Cf. midrash) … Etymology dictionary
Madrasah — er arabisk for en højere skole … Danske encyklopædi
Madrasah — Not to be confused with Madras. Madrasa and Medrese redirect here. For the village or grape variety in Azerbaijan, see Mədrəsə and Madrasa, respectively. Sher Dor Madrasa, Samarkand, Uzbekistan 2007 … Wikipedia
madrasah — /meuh dras euh/, n. Islam. a school or college, esp. a school attached to a mosque where young men study theology. Also, madrasa. [ < Ar] * * * (Arabic: school ) Islamic theological seminary and law school attached to a mosque. The residential… … Universalium
Madrasah Al-Irsyad Al-Islamiah — is a full time co educational madrasah offering both primary and secondary school education in Singapore.Nostalgia Irsyad 1947 2007. [E book] Singapore : Madrasah Al Irsyad Al Islamiah, 2007.] . Madrasah is an Arabic word that means school .… … Wikipedia
Madrasah Islamiah — is a well known Islamic school and mosque in Houston, Texas. It was founded in 1995 by Hafiz Mohammed Iqbal. Since then, the school has produced over 50 huffaz and has taught hundreds of kids how to read the Quran.HistoryNot much is known about… … Wikipedia
Madrasah Al-Maarif Al-Islamiah — is an all girls Islamic school in Geylang, Singapore. It is currently one of six full time Islamic madrasahs for students in Singapore. Madrasah Al Maarif has students at primary, secondary and pre university levels.… … Wikipedia
madrasah — noun see madrassa … New Collegiate Dictionary
Madrasah — Médersa Ulugh Beg Madrasa, Samarkand, Ouzbekistan vers 1912 Médersa (arabe : مدرسة, madrasa pl. مدارس, madāris) est le terme arabe désignant une école, qu elle soit laïque ou religieuse, quelle que soit la … Wikipédia en Français
madrasah — noun A school for any kind of teaching, at any grade level. It may have courses in Islamic theology and religious law, but it is not a requirement … Wiktionary
Madrasah — Madrasahs were in Turkey and elsewhere still are Muslim religious schools, especially for teaching the Shariah, or Islamic law, to the ulama, or Muslim scholars and jurists. They were famously closed down in Turkey by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk in… … Historical Dictionary of the Kurds