- maculate
- 1. [ʹmækjʋlıt] a
1. уст. измазанный, загрязнённый2. полигр. покрытый пятнами2. [ʹmækjʋleıt] vпокрывать пятнами
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Maculate — Mac u*late, a. [L. maculatus, p. p.] Marked with spots or macul[ae]; blotched; hence, defiled; impure; as, most maculate thoughts. Shak. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Maculate — Mac u*late, v. t. [L. maculatus, p. p. of maculare to spot. See {Macula}, and cf. {Macule}, v.] To spot; to stain; to blur. [1913 Webster] Maculate the honor of their people. Sir T. Elyot. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
maculate — index pollute, stain, tarnish Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
maculate — [mak′yo͞o lāt΄; ] for adj. [, mak′yo͞olit] vt. maculated, maculating [ME maculaten < L maculatus, pp. of maculare, to spot, speckle < macula, a spot, stain] Archaic to spot; stain; blemish; defile adj. 1. spotted; blotched 2. defiled;… … English World dictionary
maculate — {{11}}maculate (adj.) spotted, late 15c., from L. maculatus, pp. of maculare to make spotted, to speckle, from macula spot, stain (see MACULA (Cf. macula)). M.E. also had maculation sexual defilement, sinning (late 15c.). {{12}}maculate (v.)… … Etymology dictionary
maculate — 1. verb To spot; to stain; to blur. 2. adjective a) Marked with spots or maculae; blotched. is] about the struggle of a mistreated man as he rises to the top, along with a mortal conflict between this maculate vi … Wiktionary
maculate — Spotted; stained; blotched. Or, defiled; impure. The opposite of immaculate. Also see ablaq, brindled, cleaning art, clean up, dot, maculate, pattern, piebald, punctate, and variegated … Glossary of Art Terms
maculate — or maculated adjective Etymology: Latin maculatus, past participle of maculare to stain, from macula Date: 15th century 1. marked with spots ; blotched 2. impure, besmirched … New Collegiate Dictionary
maculate — adj. [L. macula, spot] Splashed or spotted; blotched … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
maculate — adj. /mak yeuh lit/; v. /mak yeuh layt /, adj., v., maculated, maculating. adj. 1. spotted; stained. 2. Archaic. defiled; impure. v.t. Archaic. 3. to mark with a spot or spots; stain. 4. to sully or pollute. [1375 1425; late ME < L maculatus (ptp … Universalium
maculate — mac·u·late mak yə lət adj marked with spots * * * mac·u·late (makґu lāt) [L. maculatus spotted] macular … Medical dictionary