- macronutrient
- [͵mækrə(ʋ)ʹnju:trıənt] n биохим.
питательный макроэлемент
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
macronutrient — [mak΄rəno͞o′trē ənt] n. [ MACRO + NUTRIENT] any of the chemical elements, as carbon, required in relatively large quantities for plant growth … English World dictionary
macronutrient — noun Date: 1942 1. a chemical element (as nitrogen, phosphorus, or potassium) of which relatively large quantities are essential to the growth and health of a plant 2. a substance (as protein or carbohydrate) essential in large amounts to the… … New Collegiate Dictionary
macronutrient — /mak roh nooh tree euhnt, nyooh /, n. 1. Nutrition. any of the nutritional components of the diet that are required in relatively large amounts: protein, carbohydrate, fat, and the macrominerals. 2. Bot. any of the three chemical elements… … Universalium
macronutrient — noun Any of the elements required in large amounts by all living things … Wiktionary
macronutrient — mac·ro·nu·tri·ent n(y)ü trē ənt n a chemical element or substance (as protein, carbohydrate, or fat) required in relatively large quantities in nutrition * * * mac·ro·nu·tri·ent (mak″ro nooґtre ənt) an essential nutrient required in a… … Medical dictionary
macronutrient — mækrəʊ nuËtrɪənt / nju n. nutritious substance of which plants need a large amount to grow … English contemporary dictionary
macronutrient — noun Biology a substance required in relatively large amounts by living organisms … English new terms dictionary
macronutrient — Chemical compound required for plant growth in relatively large quantities, e.g. nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium. Cf. micronutrient … Expanded glossary of Cycad terms
macronutrient — mac·ro·nutrient … English syllables
macronutrient — mac•ro•nu•tri•ent [[t]ˌmæk roʊˈnu tri ənt, ˈnyu [/t]] n. 1) nut any of the nutritional components required in relatively large amounts: protein, carbohydrate, fat, and the essential minerals 2) bot any of the chemical elements required by plants… … From formal English to slang
macronutrient — /mækroʊˈnjutriənt/ (say makroh nyoohtreeuhnt) noun a substance, as oxygen, hydrogen, etc., required in large amounts, for good health. Compare micronutrient …