- macroclimate
- [ʹmækrə(ʋ)͵klaımıt] n
макроклимат, климатические условия в глобальном или региональном масштабе
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Macroclimate — Macroclimate, in viticulture, refers to the regional climate of a broad area such as an American Viticultural Area (AVA) or a French Appellation d origine contrôlée (AOC). It can include an area on the scale of tens to hundreds of kilometers. On… … Wikipedia
macroclimate — [mak′rō klī΄mət, mak′rəklī΄mət] n. [ MACRO + CLIMATE] the general climate over a large geographical area macroclimatic [mak′rōklī mat′ik, mak΄rəklī mat′ik] adj … English World dictionary
macroclimate — noun The climate of a relatively large geographic area. Within climatic regions, physiography or landforms modify macroclimate and affect the movement of organisms, . . . See Also: microclimate … Wiktionary
macroclimate — makroklimatas statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Didelės vienalytės teritorijos, turinčios būdingą atmosferos cirkuliaciją, klimatas. atitikmenys: angl. macroclimate vok. Makroklima, n rus. макроклимат, m … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
macroclimate — the climate of a major geographical region … Dictionary of ichthyology
macroclimate — macroclimatic /mak roh kluy mat ik/, adj. macroclimatically, adv. /mak reuh kluy mit/, n. the general climate of a large area, as of a continent or country. Cf. microclimate. [1935 40; MACRO + CLIMATE] * * * … Universalium
macroclimate — n. climate of a large geographic area (such as a continent) … English contemporary dictionary
macroclimate — mac·ro·climate … English syllables
macroclimate — /ˈmækroʊˌklaɪmət/ (say makroh.kluymuht) noun the climate affecting a large geographical region. Compare microclimate …
macroclimate — … Useful english dictionary
Regional climates levels in viticulture — The microclimate of these vines in Idaho is influenced by mesoclimate of the vineyard and the macroclimate of the Snake River Valley AVA. In viticulture, there are several levels of regional climates that are used to describe the terroir or… … Wikipedia