- macrobiotics
- [͵mækrə(ʋ)baıʹɒtıks] n sing
1. макробиотика, наука о продлении жизни2. диететика долголетия, особ. вегетарианская
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Macrobiotics — Mac ro*bi*ot ics, n. 1. (Physiol.) The art of prolonging life. [1913 Webster] 2. Specifically: A philosophy or attitude that health and long life are promoted by adhering to a diet consisting mostly of whole grains, with some vegetables, beans,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
macrobiotics — [mak΄rō bī ät′iks] n. [see MACRO & BIOTIC] the study of prolonging life, as by special diets, etc. macrobiotic adj … English World dictionary
macrobiotics — [[t]mæ̱kroʊbaɪɒ̱tɪks[/t]] N UNCOUNT (The form macrobiotic is used as a modifier.) Macrobiotics is the practice of eating macrobiotic food. [TECHNICAL] ...Michio Kushi, father of modern macrobiotics … English dictionary
macrobiotics — /mak roh buy ot iks/, n. (used with a sing. v.) a philosophically oriented program incorporating elements from several ancient cultures and emphasizing harmony with nature, esp. through adherence to a diet consisting primarily of whole grains,… … Universalium
macrobiotics — The study of the prolongation of life. * * * macrobiotics n pl but sing in constr a macrobiotic dietary system … Medical dictionary
macrobiotics — makrobiotika statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Mokslas, tiriantis žmogaus gyvenimo ilginimo būdus. Makrobiotika išskiria 3 pagrindinius sveikos gyvensenos būdus: gydymą maistu, oru, mintimis. kilmė gr. makros – didelis + bios – … Sporto terminų žodynas
macrobiotics — noun the theory of promoting health and longevity by means of diet (especially whole beans and grains) • Derivationally related forms: ↑macrobiotic • Hypernyms: ↑dietetics * * * I. ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷(ˌ) ̷ ̷ˈäd.iks noun plural but singular or plural in… … Useful english dictionary
macrobiotics — noun plural but singular in construction see macrobiotic … New Collegiate Dictionary
macrobiotics — noun /ˌmækroʊˌbaɪˈɑtəks,ˌmæk.ɹəʊˈbaɪ.ɒt.ɪks/ The art of prolonging life … Wiktionary
macrobiotics — mac|ro|bi|ot|ics [ ,mækroubaı atıks ] noun uncount a DIET that is considered healthy because you eat only grains, seeds, fruits, and vegetables produced without adding chemicals ╾ mac|ro|bi|ot|ic adjective: a macrobiotic diet … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
macrobiotics — mac·ro·bi ot·ics || ‚mækrəʊbaɪ É‘tɪks / É’tɪk n. health regimen which is intended to lengthen the life of those who adhere to it (incorporates ancient philosophies with a vegetarian diet) … English contemporary dictionary