- accordion
- [əʹkɔ:dıən] n
1. 1) аккордеон2) баян; гармоника2. ж.-д. гармошка междувагонного соединения
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
accordion — [ə kôr′dē ən] n. [Ger akkordion < akkord, harmony (prob. < It accordare, to be in tune: see ACCORD) + ion as in ORCHESTRION] a musical instrument with keys, metal reeds, and a bellows: it is played by alternately pulling out and pressing… … English World dictionary
Accordion — Ac*cor di*on, n. [See {Accord}.] (Mus.) A small, portable, keyed wind instrument, whose tones are generated by play of the wind upon free metallic reeds. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Accordion — (Hand od. Ziehharmonica), 1829 von Damian in Wien erfundenes Instrument in der Form eines 4eckigen Kastens mit Blasebalg u. Claviatur, von 5, 10, 20 u. mehr Tasten, das beim Spielen in beiden Händen gehalten wird. Durch Ausziehen u.… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Accordion — Accordion, die Handharmonika, von dem Wiener Damian 1829 erfunden; in ihrer einfachsten Gestalt hörte man sie einige Zeit lang in allen Straßen … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
accordion — (n.) 1831, from Ger. Akkordion, from Akkord musical chord, concord of sounds, be in tune (Cf. It. accordare to attune an instrument ); ultimately from same source as English ACCORD (Cf. accord) (v.), with suffix on analogy of clarion, etc.… … Etymology dictionary
accordion — [n] musical instrument concertina, groanbox*, melodeon, squeezebox*, stomach Steinway*, windbox*; concepts 463,499 … New thesaurus
accordion — ► NOUN ▪ a musical instrument played by stretching and squeezing with the hands to work a bellows, the melody and chords being sounded by buttons or keys. DERIVATIVES accordionist noun. ORIGIN from Italian accordare to tune … English terms dictionary
Accordion — Infobox Instrument name=Accordion names=Accordeon (Danish, for free bass models), Akkordeon (German), Accordéon (French), Bajan (Russian), Fisarmonica (Italian), Harmonijka (Polish), Harmonika (Danish (for standard bass modelsDyremose, Jeanette… … Wikipedia
accordion — /euh kawr dee euhn/, n. Music. 1. Also called piano accordion. a portable wind instrument having a large bellows for forcing air through small metal reeds, a keyboard for the right hand, and buttons for sounding single bass notes or chords for… … Universalium
Accordion — Vorlage:Infobox Musikinstrument/Wartung/Parameter Tonumfang fehltVorlage:Infobox Musikinstrument/Wartung/Parameter Klangbeispiel fehlt Akkordeon engl.: Accordion, ital.: Fisarmonica … Deutsch Wikipedia
accordion — /əˈkɔdiən / (say uh kawdeeuhn) noun 1. a portable wind instrument with bellows and button like keys sounded by means of metallic reeds. 2. a piano accordion. –adjective 3. having folds like the bellows of an accordion: accordion pleats; accordion …