- macassar oil
- [məʹkæsə(r)͵ɔıl]
1) макассар (масло для волос)2) любой сходный с макассаром фиксатуар
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Macassar oil — is a compounded oil used primarily by men in Victorian and Edwardian times as a hair conditioner to groom and style the hair. Macassar oil is often made with coconut oil or palm oil or that of Schleichera trijuga, combined with ylang ylang oil… … Wikipedia
Macassar oil — Ma*cas sar oil . A kind of oil formerly used in dressing the hair; so called because originally obtained from Macassar, a district of the Island of Celebes. Also, an imitation of the same, of perfumed castor oil and olive oil. Cf. {antimacassar} … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
macassar oil — noun Usage: often capitalized M : a soft fat obtained from seeds of the kusam and used in cooking, in illumination, and as a hair dressing; also : any of several similar oils or oily preparations used as hair dressings * * * 1. an oil derived… … Useful english dictionary
Macassar oil-tree — aliejinis lakmedis statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Sapindinių šeimos daržovinis, maistinis, medieninis augalas (Schleichera oleosa), paplitęs atogrąžų Azijoje. Iš jo gaunami kietieji aliejai. atitikmenys: lot. Schleichera oleosa angl.… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
Macassar oil — 1. an oil derived from materials said to be obtained from Macassar, formerly used as a hairdressing. 2. a similar oil or preparation for the hair. [1800 10] * * * … Universalium
Macassar oil — /məˌkæsər ˈɔɪl/ (say muh.kasuhr oyl) noun 1. (originally) an oil for the hair made from materials obtained from Macassar. 2. a similar oil or preparation for the hair …
macassar oil — noun An oil, from the ylang ylang tree, once used to smooth the hair … Wiktionary
macassar oil — oily substance that was used in the past to make the hair smooth and shiny … English contemporary dictionary
Macassar — may refer to: *Macassar oil *Makassar, Indonesia *Macassar, Mozambique … Wikipedia
Macassar — especially in Macassar oil (1809), hair tonic originally advertised as made from materials obtained from Macassar (1660s), name of a district on the island of Celebes (modern Sulawesi); from native Mangkasara … Etymology dictionary
macassar — n. (in full Macassar oil) a kind of oil formerly used as a dressing for the hair. Etymology: Macassar, now in Indonesia, from where its ingredients were said to come … Useful english dictionary