- lyotropic
- [͵laıəʹtrəʋpık] a спец.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Lyotropic — A material is called lyotropic if it forms liquid crystal phases because of the addition of a solvent. Historically the term was used to describe materials composed of amphiphilic molecules. Such molecules comprise a water loving hydrophilic head … Wikipedia
lyotropic series — n HOFMEISTER SERIES * * * Hofmeister s … Medical dictionary
lyotropic liquid crystals — Lyotropic Liquid Crystals Лиотропные жидкие кристаллы Смесь двух или более компонентов, одним из которых является дифильная(ые) молекула(ы), а другим – вода или полярный растворитель, или их смесь. Дифильные молекулы, как правило, плохо… … Толковый англо-русский словарь по нанотехнологии. - М.
Lyotropic liquid crystal — A liquid crystalline material is called lyotropic if phases having long ranged orientational order are induced by the addition of a solvent. Historically the term was used to describe materials composed of amphiphilic molecules. Such molecules… … Wikipedia
lyotropic series — liotropinė eilė statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Jonų eilė, sudaryta pagal jų poveikį tirpikliui. atitikmenys: angl. lyotropic series rus. лиотропный ряд … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
lyotropic — /luy euh trop ik, troh pik/, adj. Physical Chem. noting any series of ions, salts, or radicals arranged in descending order relative to the magnitude of their effect on a given solvent. [1920 25; lyo (see LYOPHILIC) + TROPIC] * * * … Universalium
lyotropic — adjective describing a liquid crystal that exhibits phase transitions as a function of concentration … Wiktionary
lyotropic — SYN: lyophilic. [lyo + G. trope, a turning] * * * lyo·tro·pic .lī ə trō pik, träp ik adj of, relating to, or being a liquid crystal that is prepared by mixing two substances of which one (as water) is polar in nature and that may assume a series… … Medical dictionary
lyotropic — ly·o·trop·ic … English syllables
lyotropic — |līə|träpik adjective Etymology: lyo + tropic : relating to or dependent on the forces existing between components in a solution and not on their properties as individuals … Useful english dictionary
lyotropic series — A listing of anions and cations in order of their effect on protein solubility (tendency to cause salting out). Essentially a competition between the protein and the ion for water molecules for hydration … Dictionary of molecular biology