- lymphadenitis
- [͵lımfədıʹnaıtıs] n мед.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Lymphadenitis — Lym pha*de*ni tis, n. [NL. See {Lymph}, and {Adenitis}.] (Med.) Inflammation of the lymphatic glands; called also {lymphitis}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Lymphadenītis — u. Lymphangeītis (gr.), Entzündung der Lymphdrüsen u. der Lymphgefäße (s. b.) … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Lymphadenitis — Lymphadenītis (grch.), Lymphdrüsenentzündung; Lymphadenōm, Drüsengeschwulst; Lymphangiōm, aus erweiterten Lymphgefäßen gebildete Geschwulst; Lymphangītis, Lymphgefäßentzündung; Lymphōm, Drüsengeschwulst … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
lymphadenitis — [lim fad΄ n īt′is] n. [ModL < LYMPH + ADEN + ITIS] inflammation of the lymph nodes … English World dictionary
Lymphadenitis — Als Lymphadenitis oder auch reaktive Lymphknotenschwellung wird die Lymphadenopathie (krankhafte Schwellung von Lymphknoten) aufgrund von akuten oder chronischen Infektionen bezeichnet. Beispiele von Krankheiten, die mit Lymphadenitis einhergehen … Deutsch Wikipedia
lymphadenitis — Inflammation of a lymph node or lymph node s. [lymphadeno + G. itis, inflammation] dermatopathic l. SYN: dermatopathic lymphadenopathy. mesenteric l. SYN: mesenteric adenitis. paratuberculous l. old term for chronic inflammation of certain … Medical dictionary
lymphadenitis — n. inflammation of lymph nodes, which become swollen, painful, and tender. Some cases may be chronic (e.g. tuberculous lymphadenitis) but most are acute and localized adjacent to an area of infection. The most commonly affected lymph nodes are… … The new mediacal dictionary
Lymphadenitis, regional — Cat scratch disease, a mild flu like infection, with swollen lymph nodes (lymphadenitis) and mild fever of short duration, due to cat scratches, especially from kittens. There is usually a little bump (a papule) which may be pus filled (a… … Medical dictionary
lymphadenitis — noun Etymology: New Latin, from lymphaden lymph gland, from lymph + Greek adēn gland more at aden Date: 1860 inflammation of lymph nodes … New Collegiate Dictionary
lymphadenitis — Inflammation of lymph nodes … Dictionary of molecular biology
lymphadenitis — /lim fad n uy tis, lim feuh dn /, n. Pathol. inflammation of a lymphatic gland. Also called adenitis. [1875 80; LYMPH + ADEN + ITIS] * * * … Universalium