- lutetian
- [lu:ʹti:ʃıən] a
1) ист. относящийся к Лютеции2) парижский
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
luteţian — LUTEŢIÁN, Ă, luteţieni, e, s.n., adj. 1. s.n. Primul etaj al eocenului, ale cărui depozite caracteristice conţin faună de numuliţi, lamelibranhiate, gasteropode, echinide etc. 2. adj. Care aparţine luteţianului (1). [pr.: ţi an] – Din fr.… … Dicționar Român
Lutetian — /lū tēˈshən/ adjective Parisian ORIGIN: L Lutetia Parīsiōrum, the mud town of the Parisii, Paris, from lutum mud … Useful english dictionary
Lutetian — The Lutetian is a stage of the Eocene Epoch. It spans the time between 48.6 ± 0.2 Ma and 40.4 ± 0.2 Ma (million years ago).It is usually united with the Bartonian to form the Middle Eocene subepoch. Less often, the Middle Eocene is not used and… … Wikipedia
Lutetian Stage — ▪ geology the second of four stages (in ascending order) subdividing Eocene (Eocene Epoch) rocks, representing all rocks deposited worldwide during the Lutetian Age (48.6 million to 40.4 million years ago) of the Paleogene Period (65.5… … Universalium
Eocene — System Series Stage Age (Ma) Neogene Miocene Aquitanian younger Paleogene Oligocene … Wikipedia
Mammal Paleogene zone — The Mammal Paleogene zones or MP zones are biostratigraphic zones in the stratigraphic record of the Paleogene period of Europe. These zones were developed by Matthijs Freudenthal to help paleontologists provide more specific reference points to… … Wikipedia
Oligocene — System Series Stage Age (Ma) Neogene Miocene Aquitanian younger Paleogene Oligocene … Wikipedia
Leptictidium — Taxobox name = Leptictidium fossil range = Late Cretaceous Eocene image caption = Leptictidium auderiense skeleton at the Muséum national d histoire naturelle (Paris) image width = 200px regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Mammalia… … Wikipedia
Danian — System Series Stage Age (Ma) Neogene Miocene Aquitanian younger Paleogene Oligocene … Wikipedia
Selandian — System Series Stage Age (Ma) Neogene Miocene Aquitanian younger Paleogene Oligocene … Wikipedia
Chattian — System Series Stage Age (Ma) Neogene Miocene Aquitanian younger Paleogene Oligocene … Wikipedia