- lurcher
- [ʹlɜ:tʃə] n
1. арх. воришка, жулик, мошенник2. шпион3. ищейка (помесь шотландской овчарки с борзой)4. сл. судебный пристав
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Lurcher — a short coated brindle lurcher Traits Coat Any Color Any Litter size variable Life span 12 15 years … Wikipedia
Lurcher — Nicht von der FCI anerkannt Ursprung … Deutsch Wikipedia
Lurcher — (type Greyhound) … Wikipédia en Français
Lurcher — es un tipo de perro de origen inglés cuyo nombre deriva de lur que significa ladrón en lenguaje gitano. Siempre se ha reconocido como el perro de los cazadores furtivos por lo que en ocasiones se le denomina Poacher s dog (perro de fugitivo). Un… … Wikipedia Español
Lurcher — Lurch er (l[^u]rch [eil]r), n. [See {Lurch} to lurk.] 1. One that lurches or lies in wait; one who watches to pilfer, or to betray or entrap; one who lurks; a lurker; a poacher. [1913 Webster +PJC] 2. (Zo[ o]l.) One of a mongrel breed of dogs… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Lurcher — Lurch er, n. [L. lurco, lurcho, a glutton. See 1st {Lurch}.] A glutton; a gormandizer. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
lurcher — ► NOUN Brit. ▪ a cross bred dog, typically a retriever, collie, or sheepdog crossed with a greyhound, originally used for hunting and by poachers. ORIGIN from obsolete lurch, variant of LURK(Cf. ↑lurker) … English terms dictionary
lurcher — [lʉr′chər] n. 1. a person that lurches, or lurks 2. a thief; poacher 3. Brit. a crossbred dog trained to hunt silently: used by poachers … English World dictionary
lurcher — noun Etymology: 1lurch Date: 1528 1. archaic a petty thief ; pilferer 2. British a crossbred dog; especially one that resembles a greyhound 3. archaic one who lurks; also spy … New Collegiate Dictionary
lurcher — /lerr cheuhr/, n. 1. a crossbred dog used esp. by poachers. 2. Archaic. a person who lurks or prowls, as a thief or poacher. [1350 1400; ME; see LURCH3, ER1] * * * … Universalium
lurcher — noun A type of dog a cross between a sighthound and any other breed … Wiktionary