
[lʌŋ] n
1. анат. лёгкое

lung cavity - мед. лёгочная каверна

lung field - анат. лёгочное поле

lung complication - осложнение со стороны лёгких

inflammation of the lungs - мед. воспаление лёгких, пневмония

2. pl «лёгкие города» (сады, парки, скверы; тж. urban lungs)
3. 1) мед. респиратор, прибор для искусственного дыхания
2) акваланг

good lungs - сильный /зычный/ голос

at the top of one's lungs - во весь голос, изо всей мочи

he has a good pair of lungs - у него лужёная глотка

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "lung" в других словарях:

  • lung — LUNG, Ă, lungi, adj., adv., s.n. I. adj. 1. Care are o lungime mare, ale cărui capete sunt depărtate unul de altul. ♢ expr. A avea mâna lungă (sau degete lungi) sau a fi lung de mână (sau de, în degete) = a avea obiceiul să fure, a fi hoţ. A fi… …   Dicționar Român

  • Lung — (l[u^]ng), n. [OE. lunge, AS. lunge, pl. lungen; akin to D. long, G. lunge, Icel. & Sw. lunga, Dan. lunge, all prob. from the root of E. light. [root]125. See {Light} not heavy.] (Anat.) An organ for a[ e]rial respiration; commonly in the plural …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Lung — ist eine andere Schreibweise für den Long (Mythologie), den chinesischen Drachen Lung ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Silviu Lung (* 1956), rumänischer Fußballspieler Silviu Lung Jr. (* 1989), rumänischer Fußballspieler Ti Lung (* 1946) …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • lung — (n.) human respiratory organ, c.1300, from O.E. lungen (pl.), from P.Gmc. *lungw (Cf. O.N. lunge, O.Fris. lungen, M.Du. longhe, Du. long, O.H.G. lungun, Ger. lunge lung ), lit. the light organ, from PIE *legwh not heavy, having little weight;… …   Etymology dictionary

  • lung — [lʌŋ] n ↑artery, ↑brain, ↑fatty, ↑tissue, ↑heart, ↑kidney, ↑intestine, ↑intestine2, ↑small, ↑large, ↑liver, ↑lung, ↑muscles, ↑stomach, ↑ …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • lung|er — lung|er1 «LUHNG uhr», noun. Slang. a person who has tuberculosis of the lungs. ╂[< lung + er2] lung|er2 «LUHN juhr», noun. a person who lunges …   Useful english dictionary

  • Lũng Cú — est une commune (xã) du Nord du Vietnam, sur le plateau de Đồng Văn. Elle se trouve à l’extrémité septentrionale du territoire vietnamien. Administrativement, ce secteur comprend 9 villages, dans le plateau Đồng Văn, arrondissement de Đồng Văn,… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • lung — [ lʌŋ ] noun count ** one of the organs in your chest that fill with air when you breathe …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • lung — ► NOUN ▪ each of the pair of organs within the ribcage into which air is drawn in breathing, so that oxygen can pass into the blood and carbon dioxide be removed. DERIVATIVES lunged adjective lungful noun. ORIGIN Old English, related to LIGHT(Cf …   English terms dictionary

  • lung — [luŋ] n. [ME lunge < OE lungen, akin to Ger lunge < IE base * legwh , light in weight and movement: the lungs were so named because of their lightness: see LIGHTS] 1. either of the two spongelike respiratory organs in the thorax of… …   English World dictionary

  • Lung — For other uses, see Lung (disambiguation). Lunged redirects here. For other uses, see Lunge. The lungs of a pig …   Wikipedia

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