- armlet
- [ʹɑ:mlıt] n
1. браслет для ношения выше локтя2. нарукавник, повязка3. воен. ист. наручник (доспеха)4. 1) небольшой морской залив2) рукав реки
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Armlet — Arm let, n. [Arm + let.] 1. A small arm; as, an armlet of the sea. Johnson. [1913 Webster] 2. An arm ring; a bracelet for the upper arm. [1913 Webster] 3. Armor for the arm. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
armlet — (n.) 1530s, dim. of ARM (Cf. arm) (n.1) … Etymology dictionary
armlet — [ärm′lət] n. [ ARM1 + LET] 1. a band worn for ornament around the arm, esp. the upper arm 2. a small, narrow, deep arm or inlet of the sea … English World dictionary
armlet — /ahrm lit/, n. 1. an ornamental band worn on the arm, esp. a bracelet worn high on the arm, rather than on the wrist. 2. a little inlet or arm: an armlet of the sea. [1525 35; ARM1 + LET] * * * ▪ jewelry decorative band, usually of gold,… … Universalium
armlet — /ˈamlət/ (say ahmluht) noun 1. an ornamental band worn on the arm. 2. a little arm: an armlet of the sea …
armlet — noun Date: 1535 1. a band (as of cloth or metal) worn around the upper arm 2. a small arm (as of the sea) … New Collegiate Dictionary
armlet — noun /ˈɑːmlət/ a) A band that is worn on the arm that for ornamental or identification purposes. b) A small arm, having to do with the sea … Wiktionary
armlet — arm·let || É‘Ëmlɪt n. ornamental band worn around the upper arm, arm band … English contemporary dictionary
armlet — noun a bracelet worn round the upper arm … English new terms dictionary
armlet — arm·let … English syllables
armlet — arm•let [[t]ˈɑrm lɪt[/t]] n. 1) jew an ornamental band worn high on the arm 2) a small inlet or arm, as of the sea • Etymology: 1525–35 … From formal English to slang