
[ʹlɔ:dʃıp] n
1. власть, владение (чем-л.; особ. о феодальном лорде)

lordship over territory - власть над территорией

lordship over self - самообладание

2. поместье лорда, мэнор
3. (Lordship) светлость (титулование лорда, а также судьи Высокого суда во время судебного заседания)

Your [His] lordship - ваша [его] светлость (тж. при титуловании женщин-судей)

His lordship is not at home - его светлости нет дома

4. церк. преосвященство (титулование епископа); высокопреосвященство (титулование архиепископа)

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "lordship" в других словарях:

  • Lordship — Lord ship, n. 1. The state or condition of being a lord; hence (with his or your), a title applied to a lord (except an archbishop or duke, who is called Grace) or a judge (in Great Britain), etc. [1913 Webster] 2. Seigniory; domain; the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • lordship — ► NOUN 1) supreme power or rule. 2) (His/Your etc. Lordship) a form of address to a judge, bishop, or titled man. 3) archaic the authority or state of being a lord …   English terms dictionary

  • Lordship — (spr. Lohrdschipp), 1) Herrschaft; 2) Titel (Würde) eines Lords, daher Your Lord [520] ship, so v.w. Ew. Herrlichkeit; 3) die Herrschaft (Grundbesitz), auf welcher diese Würde ruht …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Lordship — (engl., spr. lórd schĭp), Würde eines Lords; Herrschaft, auf der diese Würde ruht; auch Anrede an einen Lord: Euer Herrlichkeit …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Lordship — (engl., spr. lohrdschipp), Würde eines Lords, auch Herrschaft, auf der diese ruht …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • lordship — index dominion (supreme authority), hegemony, possession (ownership), supremacy Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 200 …   Law dictionary

  • lordship — c.1300, from O.E. hlafordscipe authority, rule (translating L. dominatio); see LORD (Cf. lord) (n.) + SHIP (Cf. ship) …   Etymology dictionary

  • lordship — [lôrd′ship΄] n. [OE hlafordscipe: see SHIP] 1. the rank or authority of a lord 2. rule; dominion 3. the territory of a lord 4. [often L ] a title used in speaking to or of a lord: preceded by Your or His …   English World dictionary

  • Lordship — [[t]lɔ͟ː(r)dʃɪp[/t]] Lordships N VOC; N PROPER: det poss N (politeness) You use the expressions Your Lordship, His Lordship, or Their Lordships when you are addressing or referring to a judge, bishop, or male member of the nobility. My name is… …   English dictionary

  • lordship — lord|ship [ˈlo:dʃıp US o:r ] n 1.) your/his lordship used when talking to or talking about a ↑lord, or when talking to a British judge or ↑bishop →↑ladyship 2.) his lordship BrE spoken a man who thinks he is very important used humorously ▪ …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • lordship — noun (C) 1 your/his lordship used when talking to or talking about a lord 1 (1), or when addressing a British judge or bishop (1) 2 his lordship BrE spoken a humorous way of talking about a man who thinks he is very important: So when will his… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

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