- look forward
- [ʹlʋkʹfɔ:wəd] phr v (to)
предвкушать (что-л.); ожидать (чего-л.) с удовольствием
I am looking forward to it so much! - я так жду этого!
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
I am looking forward to it so much! - я так жду этого!
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
look forward to — (something) to be pleased or excited because something is going to happen. I m looking forward to my trip to Berlin and Paris … New idioms dictionary
look forward to — index anticipate (prognosticate), expect (anticipate), forestall, prognosticate Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton … Law dictionary
look forward to — [verb] anticipate, await, expect, hope for, long for, look for, wait for * * * AWAIT WITH PLEASURE, eagerly anticipate, lick one s lips over, be unable to wait for, count the days until. → look * * * look forward to To anticipate with pleasure •… … Useful english dictionary
look forward — v. (d; intr.) to look forward to (to look forward to spring; to look forward to a meeting with eager anticipation; I look forward to going) * * * [ lʊk fɔːwəd] (d; intr.) to look forward to (to look forward to spring; to look forward to a meeting … Combinatory dictionary
look forward to — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms look forward to : present tense I/you/we/they look forward to he/she/it looks forward to present participle looking forward to past tense looked forward to past participle looked forward to look forward to… … English dictionary
look forward — verb expect or hope for (Freq. 7) I look to hear from you soon • Hypernyms: ↑expect, ↑look, ↑await, ↑wait • Verb Frames: Somebody s PP * * * … Useful english dictionary
look forward to — 1) PHRASAL VERB If you look forward to something that is going to happen, you want it to happen because you think you will enjoy it. [V P P ing/n] He was looking forward to working with the new Prime Minister. 2) PHRASAL VERB If you say that… … English dictionary
look forward — verb To anticipate or expect; especially, to expect something to be pleasant. I enjoyed his writing very much, and I look forward to meeting him in person. See Also: look forward to … Wiktionary
look forward to — verb To anticipate, expect, or wait for, especially with a feeling of approval or pleasure. When we call to mind the gracious indulgence of Heaven by which the American people became a nation; when we survey the general prosperity of our country … Wiktionary
look forward to — phr verb Look forward to is used with these nouns as the object: ↑retirement, ↑visit … Collocations dictionary
look forward to — I look forward to Rebecca s call Syn: await with pleasure, eagerly anticipate, lick one s lips over, be unable to wait for, count the days until … Thesaurus of popular words