- longshore
- [ʹlɒŋʃɔ:] a
longshore fisheries - береговые рыбные промыслы
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
longshore fisheries - береговые рыбные промыслы
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Longshore — Long shore , a. [Abbrev. from alongshore.] Belonging to the seashore or a seaport; along and on the shore. Longshore thieves. R. Browning. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
longshore — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ relating to or moving along the seashore. ORIGIN from along shore … English terms dictionary
longshore — [lôŋ′shôr΄] adj. [aphetic for ALONGSHORE] existing, occurring, working, etc. along the shore or waterfront … English World dictionary
longshore — /lawng shawr , shohr , long /, adj. existing, found, or employed along the shore, esp. at or near a seaport: longshore jobs; longshore current. [1815 25; aph. var. of alongshore] * * * … Universalium
longshore — adjective of, relating to, occurring at, or living along a seacoast A longshore fisherman … Wiktionary
longshore — /ˈlɒŋʃɔ/ (say longshaw) adjective existing, found, or employed along the shore: longshore fisheries. {aphetic variant of alongshore} …
Longshore drift — (sometimes known as shore drift, LSD or littoral drift) is a geological process by which sediments such as sand or other materials, move along a beach shore.MechanismLongshore drift is the net movement of sand and other fine particles like shell… … Wikipedia
Longshore Sailing School — (LSS), a sailing school with locations in Westport and Greenwich, Connecticut. The private school was founded in 1959 by John Kantor, who continues to run it. (Kantor also designed the sailing school program at the Bitter End Yacht Club Resort in … Wikipedia
longshore drift — noun The movement of material along the seashore by a current flowing parallel to the shoreline • • • Main Entry: ↑longshore … Useful english dictionary
Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act — The Longshore and Harbor Workers Compensation Act, usc|33|901|950, commonly referred to as the Longshore Act or LHWCA is the statutory workers compensation scheme that covers certain maritime workers, including most dock workers and maritime… … Wikipedia
longshore — 1) directed along the shore 2) existing on. frequenting, close to or parallel to the shore … Dictionary of ichthyology