
[əʹkʌmplıʃınənt] n
1. выполнение, завершение

accomplishment of desires - исполнение желаний

difficult of accomplishment - трудновыполнимый

2. достижение

accomplishments of scientists - открытия учёных; достижения науки

the teacher was proud of her pupil's accomplishments - учительница гордилась успехами своих учеников

3. обыкн. pl
1) достоинства, совершенства

a man of many accomplishments - человек, обладающий многими достоинствами

inspite of all her accomplishments - несмотря на все её достоинства

good marksmanship is usually a manly accomplishment - меткими стрелками обычно бывают мужчины

2) арх. достоинства благовоспитанной девицы; умение играть на фортепиано, рисовать, танцевать и т. п.

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "accomplishment" в других словарях:

  • Accomplishment — Ac*com plish*ment ( ment), n. [F. accomplissement, fr. accomplir.] 1. The act of accomplishing; entire performance; completion; fulfillment; as, the accomplishment of an enterprise, of a prophecy, etc. [1913 Webster] 2. That which completes,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • accomplishment — index act (undertaking), action (performance), boom (prosperity), commission (act), developmen …   Law dictionary

  • accomplishment — (n.) early 15c., performance of a task; state of completion, from O.Fr. acomplissement action of accomplishing, from acomplir (see ACCOMPLISH (Cf. accomplish)). Meaning thing completed and that of something that completes someone and fits him or… …   Etymology dictionary

  • accomplishment — attainment, *acquirement, acquisition Analogous words: *art, skill, craft: proficiency, adeptness, expertness (see corresponding adjectives at PROFICIENT) …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • accomplishment — [n] something successfully done, completed ability, achievement, act, art, attainment, bringing about, capability, carrying out, completion, conclusion, consummation, coup, deed, effecting, effort, execution, exploit, feat, finish, fulfillment,… …   New thesaurus

  • accomplishment — ► NOUN 1) something that has been achieved successfully. 2) the successful achievement of a task. 3) an activity that one can do well …   English terms dictionary

  • accomplishment — [ə käm′plish mənt; ] also [, əkum′plish mənt] n. 1. an accomplishing or being accomplished; completion 2. something accomplished or done successfully; work completed; achievement 3. a social art or skill usually used in pl …   English World dictionary

  • accomplishment — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ amazing, big, considerable, great, huge, impressive, major, remarkable, significant ▪ If this works, it will be …   Collocations dictionary

  • accomplishment — n. 1) see achievement1 for adjective + noun collocations 2) no mean accomplishment 3) an accomplishment to + inf. (it was a real accomplishment to defeat them) 4) of accomplishment (a man, woman of many accomplishments) * * * [ə kʌmplɪʃɪnənt] no… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • accomplishment — ac|com|plish|ment [əˈkʌmplıʃmənt US əˈka:m , əˈkʌm ] n 1.) something successful or impressive that is achieved after a lot of effort and hard work = ↑achievement impressive/significant/great etc accomplishment ▪ Cutting the budget was an… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • accomplishment — [[t]əkʌ̱mplɪʃmənt, AM əkɒ̱m [/t]] accomplishments 1) N COUNT An accomplishment is something remarkable that has been done or achieved. For a novelist, that s quite an accomplishment... By any standards, the accomplishments of the past year are… …   English dictionary

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