- loincloth
- [ʹlɔınklɒθ] n
набедренная повязка
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
loincloth — n. A cloth covering for the loins, worn around the hips; sometimes worn in tropical areas as the only article of clothing. Syn: breechcloth, breechclout, G string. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
loincloth — 1859, from LOIN (Cf. loin) + CLOTH (Cf. cloth) … Etymology dictionary
loincloth — ► NOUN ▪ a piece of cloth wrapped round the hips, typically worn by men in some hot countries as their only garment … English terms dictionary
loincloth — [loin′klôth΄] n. a cloth worn about the loins, as by some peoples in warm climates … English World dictionary
Loincloth — A loincloth is a one piece male garment, sometimes kept in place by a belt, which covers the genitals and, at least partially, the buttocks.History and typesLoincloths are and have been worn: *in societies where no other clothing is needed or… … Wikipedia
loincloth — Malo, malo kai, malo kea, malo wai. Also: a ahu makaloa, kapeke. ♦ The loincloth of the handsome one … tie on the loincloth curved like the moon, the sea loincloth, loincloth of the chief. Stand, gird on your loincloth (UL 35–36)! Ka malo… … English-Hawaiian dictionary
loincloth — UK [ˈlɔɪnˌklɒθ] / US [ˈlɔɪnˌklɔθ] noun [countable] Word forms loincloth : singular loincloth plural loincloths a piece of cloth that men in some hot countries wear to cover the part of their body below the waist … English dictionary
loincloth — [[t]lɔ͟ɪnklɒθ, AM klɔːθ[/t]] loincloths N COUNT A loincloth is a piece of cloth sometimes worn by men in order to cover their sexual parts, especially in countries when it is too hot to wear anything else … English dictionary
loincloth — noun Date: 1859 a cloth worn about the loins often as the sole article of clothing in warm climates … New Collegiate Dictionary
loincloth — /loyn klawth , kloth /, n., pl. loincloths / klawdhz , klodhz , klawths , kloths /. a piece of cloth worn around the loins or hips, esp. in tropical regions as the only item of clothing. [1855 60; LOIN + CLOTH] * * * ▪ clothing usually, a… … Universalium
loincloth — noun A garment that covers the loins (crotch) … Wiktionary