- logomachy
- [lɒʹgɒməkı] n книжн.
1. 1) долгие дебаты; словопрение2) спор о словах2. амер. игра в слова
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Logomachy — Lo*gom a*chy, n. [Gr. ?; lo gos word + ? fight, battle, contest: cf. F. logomachie.] 1. Contention in words merely, or a contention about words; a war of words. [1913 Webster] The discussion concerning the meaning of the word justification . . .… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
logomachy — index fight (argument) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
logomachy — contention about, or with, words, 1560s, from LOGO (Cf. logo ) + LATRY (Cf. latry) … Etymology dictionary
logomachy — [lō gäm′ə kē] n. pl. logomachies [Gr logomachia < logos, a word (see LOGIC) + machia, MACHY] strife or contention in words only, or an argument about words … English World dictionary
logomachy — noun (plural chies) Etymology: Greek logomachia, from log + machesthai to fight Date: 1569 1. a dispute over or about words 2. a controversy marked by verbiage … New Collegiate Dictionary
logomachy — logomachic /law geuh mak ik, log euh /, logomachical, adj. logomachist, logomach, n. /loh gom euh kee/, n., pl. logomachies. 1. a dispute about or concerning words. 2. an argument or debate marked by the reckless or incorrect use of words;… … Universalium
logomachy — noun /ləʊˈɡɒ.mə.kɪ,loʊˈɡɑ.mə.ki/ a) Dispute over the meaning of words b) A conflict waged only as a battle of words … Wiktionary
logomachy — (Gk., logos, word, + machē, battle) A purely verbal dispute … Philosophy dictionary
logomachy — Synonyms and related words: Kilkenny cats, altercation, apologetics, apologia, apology, argument, argumentation, bicker, bickering, blood feud, brawl, broil, casuistry, cat and dog life, combat, conflict, contention, contentiousness, contest,… … Moby Thesaurus
logomachy — contention about words or in words Fighting and Combat … Phrontistery dictionary
logomachy — n. game of word making; dispute in words only, contention regarding words; insignificant war of words … English contemporary dictionary