- lodgepole pine
- [ʹlɒdʒpəʋlʹpaın] бот.
сосна скрученная широкохвойная (Pinus contorta)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
lodgepole pine — n. A tall, narrow 2 needled pine ({Pinus contorta}) of the coastal Northwestern U. S., having a red to yellow brown bark fissured into small squares and bearing egg shaped cones. Syn: shore pine, lodgepole pine, spruce pine, {Pinus contorta}.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
lodgepole (pine) — or lodgepole [läj′pōl΄] n. 1. a Rocky Mountain pine (Pinus contorta) used for lumber, poles, etc. 2. its wood * * * … Universalium
lodgepole (pine) — or lodgepole [läj′pōl΄] n. 1. a Rocky Mountain pine (Pinus contorta) used for lumber, poles, etc. 2. its wood … English World dictionary
lodgepole (pine) — or lodgepole [läj′pōl΄] n. 1. a Rocky Mountain pine (Pinus contorta) used for lumber, poles, etc. 2. its wood … English World dictionary
Lodgepole Pine — Taxobox name = Lodgepole Pine status = LR/lc status system = iucn2.3 status ref = IUCN2006|assessors=Conifer Specialist Group|year=1998|id=42351|title=Pinus contorta|downloaded=12 May 2006] image width = 240px image caption = Pinus contorta subsp … Wikipedia
lodgepole pine — suktaspyglės pušies plačiaspyglis varietetas statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Pušinių šeimos medieninis augalas (Pinus contorta var. latifolia), paplitęs Šiaurės Amerikoje. Iš jo gaunama derva. atitikmenys: lot. Pinus contorta var. latifolia … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
lodgepole pine — noun shrubby two needled pine of coastal northwestern United States; red to yellow brown bark fissured into small squares • Syn: ↑shore pine, ↑lodgepole, ↑spruce pine, ↑Pinus contorta • Hypernyms: ↑pine, ↑pine tree, ↑true p … Useful english dictionary
lodgepole pine — noun Date: 1859 any of several pines of western North America with needles in pairs and short ovoid usually asymmetric cones: as a. a small chiefly coastal pine (Pinus contorta var. contorta) with thick deeply furrowed bark and hard strong coarse … New Collegiate Dictionary
lodgepole pine — lodge′pole pine′ [[t]ˈlɒdʒˌpoʊl[/t]] n. 1) pln a tall pine, Pinus contorta, of W North America, having one type of cone that opens and drops its seeds every second year and another, resin covered cone that opens only when a fire burns off the… … From formal English to slang
lodgepole pine — noun a straight trunked pine tree of the mountains of western North America. [Pinus contorta var. latifolia.] Origin so called because its wood was used by American Indians to construct lodges … English new terms dictionary
lodgepole pine — /loj pohl / 1. a tall, narrow, slow growing coniferous tree, Pinus contorta, of western North America, having egg shaped cones that remain closed for years. 2. the wood of this tree, used as timber. [1855 60, Amer.; LODGE + POLE1] * * * … Universalium